
@Mrspellino2u impressive profit chart and flawless start...do you mind sharing how you started? did you paper trade before? were you tim's challenge student? looking fwd to hear from you.

Mrspellino2u Nov 13, 17 11:02 PM

Thanks, No did not know anything about trading at all. Was trying to make a career change and some how some way came across Tim's How to become a millionare video's. He seemed so down to earth and I liked that so I bought them, then I applied to the challenge I started paper trading but, kept losing it was weird then all of sudden as soon as I said I am going to play with real money I started winning. Have had a few losses but, I learn with each one and try not to make the same mistakes. I have

april4 Nov 14, 17 5:28 PM

@Mrspellino2u ty for sharing.....what was the challenge student exp like? how much hours does it demand?

Mrspellino2u Nov 14, 17 6:01 PM

The more you study the better you become, you can not expect to become a millionare if you don't want to work for it. I study when ever I get a chance usually daily but, I don't let it consume my life either. Please study you will be thankful you did

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@kroyrunner Hello, Do you know any good pump or dumps right now that you are looking to short or go long? thanks

Mrspellino2u Nov 13, 17 11:05 PM

Roku is one of the tickers I had on my watch list as it was one that Tim gave us as a challenge student when I first started 2 months ago. I never deleted it, it was not doing great but, kept watching so when it started to go up I jumped in and took the ride

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I am starting to get it, something just clicked. I will soon be at a profit instead of a loss, I began trading a few weeks ago but I am determined to make millions by trading! Stay tuned!

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Mrspellino2u Nov 22, 17 6:57 AM

Good Luck on your journey to millions

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