
First green day after a week long red streak. Geez. It's a small green but I'll take it. I needed it to get my confidence back . 3 trades today but 1 was just an impulsive buy. The other 2 were good entries but the problem was my scaling out. I held on way too long so I gave back a bit of a chunk of the profit. Probably close to half of the profit. It's all good though. I am working on my patience.

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Really bad end to the week. The market has slowed down a ton and I got caught in the middle. Looking to adjust for the next few weeks before volatility comes back. There was a really good setup today on CELC but TDameritrade decided to randomly make that stockbroker assisted only. Tried talking to the rep and putting an order in but the dude was super slow and it was all frustrating. Ended up ripping 4$ a share from where I wanted to enter. smh man smh. I needed a trade like that to get some confidence back and some momentum back in my direction.

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Geezzzzz. Frustrating day today. I got caught in 2 rug pulls where the first one I did good and cut the loss a little bit past max loss but the 2nd one I literally froze. I knew the entry was super risky but I took the trade and when it dropped so quick, I just ended up staring at it. I went into hold and hope mode. It could have been avoided overall because I even told someone before entering that the stock could yank on us since it was way overextended. Wiped away a lot of my gains from last month but not all. Coming back tomorrow with a clear head.

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Goals for April Keep working on RR. I want to get it up to 1.75:1. Keep losses small and winners big. WR can stay above 50% for now because the risk to reward is more important I believe at this stage. I need to be taking the best of the best trades. A++ setups only. I am currently on the 2nd week of consistency of the 6 required. I want to continue to hit that goal as well.

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Man, it's been a year since I started taking trading seriously. I was looking at my old PnL calendar from March 2020 and I am seeing a huge difference.There is plenty of room for improvement but I am starting to see a difference. Last year was tough. BRUTAL. Just have to take it one day at a time and then 1 month at a time and then 1 year at a time.

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March is in the book. Green month overall with one goofy trade on TKAT. My focus on this month was on performance and I would say it was pretty good over all. I wanted to keep my losses small and winners big. I want to continue this mindset and just take it one day at a time. I am looking forward to the rest of the year and now I can comfortably say, this is where the real journey begins.

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Today was a flat day but it was a day where I lacked discipline. I swung $VIPS from the week before and was up 100$ after being down the same amount avg down. I broke rules and then got greedy thinking it could bounce. I paid the price in half my profits being gone after the morning sell off. There was no real bounce but the bounce I missed was bout 6-7$ a share if I had a better entry. My other 2 trades from today were losses and one was a scratch but the other trade was a green trade turned red. I let the trade take away all my profits from $VIPS before I cut it. I can't be doing that. Once the stock isn't doing what I want it to do or after it takes out my risk level, I must cut the trade. If it goes without me later on, it's all good. I will be working on closing this month up tighter. Can't let myself lose focus for the rest of the month.

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Best week ever in terms of performance. Didn't force it on the days there was nothing and stepped up to the plate on the days my setups showed up.

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