Total Profits:
$98 Profit
BBAILong Stock

Jack's swing trade. Decent entry, could have watched and got in around $4.60. Should have cancelled my sell and held out for $5.74 or even up to $6.49.


-$42 Loss
QNTMLong Stock

Dip buy a little too early. Cut quick. Would have had to risk 10% to see the 16% gain I was looking for, and it would have taken another 39 minutes so I probably wouldn't have been confident enough to hold through all the chop.


-$40 Loss
IVVDLong Stock

Decided to dip buy when I saw Ellis did, risked 5 cents, cut losses quickly.


$68 Profit
QNTMLong Stock

Dip buy, dropped my sell from $5.99 to $5.74 when I saw the jump on the 9:44 candle so good exit.


-$134 Loss
IVVDLong Stock

Placed a dip buy right before open at $1.15, then chased to $1.35 and took a loss, should have stuck to plan. I have to realize a stock with this kind of float is bad risk/reward for what I was trying to do. Should have been watching with 5-minute candles and let it prove itself or if I wanted to be a day trader playing volatility got out IMMEDIATELY on the small gain it gave when it showed the slightest red.


$6 Profit
ZBAILong Stock

Backside dip buy, weak bounce, pathetic gain that barely covered the fees, but Tim did it too so it couldn't have been that risky.


$16 Profit
USEGLong Stock

Backside dip buy off VWAP, lucky to get out with small gain.


$38 Profit
USEGLong Stock

Dip buy bounce off VWAP. Sold for small gain when I didn't think it could break HOD, could have had the $3.49 I was looking for 3 minutes later, but might have freaked out and took a loss as the next candle went below my buy price.


-$43 Loss
SOPALong Stock

Dip buy, cut quick, could have risked a little lower and got the $2.49 I wanted, but downside risk would have been too close to upside reward so decent quick cut on a speculative dip buy with lower size.


$83 Profit
REBNLong Stock

Entry: Hesitated on $5.50, partial fill at $5.75, had to chase to $5.90. Exit: Wanted $6.99, halted at $6.17, saw Bid/Ask was $6.50 so dropped to $6.49, then dropped to $6.29 when I saw $6.30 Bid/Ask. Spiked to $6.75 and immediately crashed under $6 after halt so good safe exit immediately at the unhalt.


of 37
*Results may not be typical and may vary from person to person. Making money trading stocks takes time, dedication, and hard work. There are inherent risks involved with investing in the stock market, including the loss of your investment. Past performance in the market is not indicative of future results. Any investment is at your own risk. See Terms of Service here.

Never attempt to copy or mirror the trades discussed on this website or in alerts. Attempting to do so may result in substantial financial losses. Alerts are not provided in real-time. For that reason, it is highly unlikely you will be able to buy the stocks at the same entry price, or sell the stocks at the same exit price, to achieve the same or similar profits obtained.