@timothysykes The other interesting thing with zagg is good owner/ inside buying in nov, always a good sign when owners are buying.
@timothysykes The other interesting thing with zagg is good owner/ inside buying in nov, always a good sign when owners are buying.
@timothysykes Great video on zagg, how much difference does volume make for you or are you following just price on the chart ?
@LahainaKat hi good, just getting the feel for this site.So far just going my own research and watching tims trades to see how they fit with the way I trade. thanks Herb
Your trades are great!!
@super_trades what the scoop on this crazy stock today nvgn up 236% when is it going down...
@timothysykes so what up on this crazy move today nvgn up 236% when the short and why is it going down....
@TriforceTrader dump or pump, lvvv up 16% today at .01, last year .12, is this a new pump or done and dumping...
@super_trades super question mr superman, lvvv up 16% today at .01, last year at .12, dump or new pump ? They make an energy chew like an energy drink ?
@vibrato ctix has to go down, nice lond buy in aug at 1.90, now way overpriced and must fall...
@timothysykes Already pumped ? lvvv up 16% today at .01, last year .12 cents, pumped or dumped or now started repump ? your thoughts
@super_trades Hi What are your thoughts on liqt at 1.18 four time normal volume and good inside ower/ buyers...thanks lobster
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