
[TimChallenge] I an not sure that they always warn you of a buy-in when your shorting the stock, since your borrowing the stock when shorting from another account holder if that account holder decides do something with that stock say sell it, then BAM your SOL. I got hit with buy-in back in the fall with $LAKE but that was because the short was climbing at an alarming rate and I was being stubborn not covering...Nathan M spoke about it last night with VLTC when you think it can go higher then it will LOL


[TimAlerts] The only thing is that you might have moved your stop down to .86 since that seemed to be the intraday support at the end of the day $MCP, if you had used that number it may have kept you in the trade and profited


[TimAlerts] Dont be upset you got out if that was your stop out then that it what it is. Sticking with your entry and exit are important, it will save you more times then missing winners so your doin it right, just feels Sh%$ty


[TimAlerts] be careful with TSTS if you look at chart its been trending up for some time now and they may be trying to get more out of it when its at the top

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