Received 1 Karma
_PaperRoute Jul 11, 16 1:27 AM

not if you know your risk/reward set up. if the odds are in your favor i dont see why its a problem

B_radd17 Jul 11, 16 1:54 AM

Looks interesting Drake Im gonna keep an eye on that one

justin7122 Jul 11, 16 8:47 AM

I have 2 accts, combined 8k. I only buy stocks under 1m i don't think Tim said never buy under a buck. He buys stocks under a buck sometimes. You make the same amt per share without putting uo 6-12k... I'm looking at DPW,aswe;; as SSY.. I know you've lost over 2k, It happens to MMOST traders, stay upbeat. One trade at a time...

mattmccrohan Jul 11, 16 10:06 AM

nice call on the good morning spike

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