
-$133 loss HYSR Long Stock

Entry comments: I bought the dip on this morning runner with news https://tim.ly/3D4VqYE potential multiday breakout, lots of support at .075, goal is to sell in the .08s

Exit comments: No bounce whatsoever and it ate through big buyers at .075, small los for me, it's an acceptable risk, gotta stay disciplined, TGGI morning spiker was the better play

Received 4 Karmas
JCJC Nov 09, 21 11:40 AM

Thanks Tim

tupuad Nov 09, 21 1:18 PM

Thanks Tim

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I sat staring at a ton of amazing plays but didn't take any. I need to learn to take my nervous system out of it but that will come with time. Take profits, Use great setups, Be meticulous. So many great plays on $BLSP $REOS $HYSR $CIDM OBLN and many more. Just in newbie stages but learning never stops and I will keep studying to have the hard work pay off in the future.

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$940 profit HYSR Long Stock

Entry comments: Another http://tim.ly/sykesmorning panic, slightly delayed from the open, goal is to profit 7-15%, not as easy a play as the others

Exit comments: Weakkkkkkk bounce, maybe it panics more, frustrating on the way up, same on the way down here

Received 4 Karmas
Windwalzer Jan 20, 21 12:06 PM

You are nailing the bottoms, so nice. Thank you for sharing.

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-$189 loss HYSR Long Stock

Entry comments: Buying this hydrogen energy play on news https://tim.ly/3mQc46w spiking too, lets see how far it can go, goal is to make 15-30%

Exit comments: No spike so I'm out for small losses which are fine, huuuuuge morning for me, +$16k in the last 90 minutes or so, I'll take a breather right now, a bit burnt out

Received 7 Karmas
Windwalzer Sep 24, 20 10:45 PM

Thank you for showing this on the lesson video.

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Received 15 Karmas
WomanOfWorth Jun 22, 20 4:45 PM

I am having fun listening to your Scottish accent Tim! Good lesson to learn! Thank you so much!

dumbtrades Jul 28, 20 9:26 PM

This is awesome learn alot and its the same as everything at first you do not succeed try try try again and i will get there thanks tim

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$1,550 profit HYSR Long Stock

Entry comments: Got the BIG http://tim.ly/sykesmorning panic I wanted so bigger position now, goal is to make 10-20% on the bounce

Exit comments: Tried to be patient but big bounce not coming, looks like this can come down to the .02s so I exit and play safe, failed bounces are okay, it's not the end of the world

Received 7 Karmas
dammbit Jun 17, 20 11:10 AM

I am following trying to learn. Watching the good plays come to fruition is wild!

Windwalzer Jun 17, 20 7:16 PM

I'm practicing watching 1 and 5 min candle charts. Had to go to work.

RChen Jun 17, 20 10:19 PM

Thanks. Tim !

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$1,688 profit HYSR Long Stock

Entry comments: PERFECT http://tim.ly/sykesmorning panic pattern as I suspected in my watchlist, webinar last night/chat this morning, goal is to make 10-20% on the bounce

Exit comments: Weak bounce but I'll take it, bigger better panic hopefully coming soon where I can get bigger profit/position

Received 6 Karmas
Windwalzer Jun 17, 20 7:15 PM

I'm working on my dip buying, played this one in the morning. Thank you.

RChen Jun 17, 20 10:20 PM

Thank you.

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