manny90 Feb 10, 17 12:54 PM

yah. I should get that DVD. finding and researching stocks is y weakness. Thanks for the tip.

MickeyAnn Feb 10, 17 4:34 PM

I was just about to write a blog post about my inability to analyze the information once I gather it. I know how to find the stocks and research them but somehow I keep taking losses. Hopefully we get it soon @manny90!

JPDynasty Feb 10, 17 4:47 PM

Look for top % gainers..then go through each of them to look for familiar patterns and news. Thats why its very important to watch some/all of Tim's DVDs, they will open your eyes for what to look for. Tim also has a awesome Youtube channel with so much great FREE information.

ImBatman Feb 10, 17 7:41 PM

I'm going through a rough patch myself. Keep studying and taking good notes about what does and doesn't work. Remember it took Tim Gritanni 6 months to start being profitable.

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[TimAlerts] $NAK owns one of the largest gold and rescource deposits in the world, they are awaiting approval to drill, wich trump may help


[TimAlerts] believe MCIG is one a a few cannabis stocks that actually has money. They also own roughly 75m shares of OMHE at .037, worth just under 3 mil

speeddemon Dec 27, 16 7:44 PM

American Cannabis Company, Inc. (OTCQB: AMMJ) (the "Company"), a full-service business-to-business consulting solutions provider, and seller of ancillary products to the cannabis industry, today announced its Maryland based client successfully secured a dispensary license for the state's new medical cannabis program. This authorization allows the client to distribute cannabis to qualifying patients within the state of Maryland.

speeddemon Dec 27, 16 7:45 PM

If you don't have StocksToTrade you definitely need it. Thats where the % gainers come from Tim is talking about and the news for each one pops up

Learning2trade24 Dec 27, 16 8:29 PM

Maine legalized recreational weed on Nov 8th with and the above article is saying they recounted the votes. I'm wondering what is the main catalyst for the weed sector too, cannot find good a answer

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