Pandabear Feb 18, 17 8:59 PM

My account is too small to use this method but I know a lot big traders that like scaling out. You just need to keep telling yourself it's a profitable trade. Maybe sell 3/4 and let the last 1/4 ride? That way you won't be so stubborn about selling the last parcel breakeven. Or don''t scale out at all until you take larger positions. Also, it's good to look at the rough range on a stock.I usually look at the range on the last big volume day. For CIDM it was 1/17 and the range on that day was 70

Pandabear Feb 18, 17 9:00 PM

which was about the same on 2/15 or 66c to be exact.

Mark_floats Feb 18, 17 9:06 PM

thanks thats good incite on looking at relitive volume days for range, thank you and yes i dont have the account size to build into trades and im going to stick to one buy/short and one sell/buytocover for now @Chongette32

Pandabear Feb 18, 17 9:44 PM

@Mark_floats You could also re-buy. You'll pay extra commission but if your entry points are good it doesn't matter.

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Mark_floats Feb 12, 17 1:53 PM

@King_Ramza i have the same problem... a much greater tolerence for pain then success.

donebeingpoor Feb 17, 17 4:49 PM

@King_Ramza "Double Top" caught my eye after your brought this to my attention. I've been noticing since the month started after this bull flag indicator is present that 4/5 stocks I am watching will drop from a minimum of -0.10 cents up to $ -1.00. The chances are even greater if the stock is 2 days old or what I call "no longer fresh". I typically just trade stocks with news. I just wanted to thank you. You also inspired me to try shorting stocks using this concept and learning more by us

donebeingpoor Feb 17, 17 4:50 PM

using technical indicators and trying to buy HTTM and other books. too bad they are no longer on sale.

donebeingpoor Feb 18, 17 9:37 AM

HTTM is a comprehensive guide everyone should buy.

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[TimAlerts] AUPH o/n 3.10 - 3.40 got a shaken out on the first signs of topping but ill take a .30 cent move happily (nod)


[TimAlerts] $GLBS 11.75 is yesterdays high and could be used as dip buy at support for a long today or wait till the 12.50 b/o


[TimChallenge] just want to thank you, your comment about $CBIS being over extended earlier I sold right at that .138 resistance (handshake)

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