KobyOshie - Jan 05, 17 7:03 AM[TimAlerts] i would not play PIRS until the conference call is over and i listen to it Received 0 Karma
KobyOshie - Jan 03, 17 11:14 AM[TimAlerts] this is how to put a ticker into chat IDXG Received 0 Karma
KobyOshie - Jan 03, 17 7:35 AM[TimAlerts] FNJN Finjan closes a record year with more than $18M in revenue and $13M in cash Received 0 Karma
KobyOshie - Jan 03, 17 7:15 AM[TimAlerts] IDXG Interpace Diagnostics Announces Agreement with Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) "Center for Clinical Effectiveness" to Support Enhanced Coverage Received 0 Karma