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I noticed STAA was back up (way up) just because they announced a new CEO ... and I thought it would do the same thing as before, go back down, so I shorted it. I was right and I covered 50% near the bottom of the morning panic (from work) and the other 50% when I got home from work (before going out to dinner). A great little trade. It offsets some of my losses anyway.

Entry comments: Up on good news, after an uptrend. Thought it might end strong, so I bought near low. It ended up weak. Will see how it does tomorrow. Might be a longer hold over a few days.
Exit comments: Did not hold up on day 2. Kept it another day and I covered when it cracked major multi-day resistance. I cut my loss. Of course, later in the day it came back up to where I shorted it to begin with. I saw major sellers on the ask at that level so I did the right thing. I would not have made profit anytime soon. Cutting losses was wise move.

Entry comments: Been watching STAA for a while now (on my short list). I noticed yesterday it had crept up to resistance, and that today (after market close) it was announcing Q4 (and Year End results). I decided to short because of recent bad news and it was at key resistance. I took a chance. Results were negative and after hours it's down 30 cents. Hopefully the decline will continue tomorrow. Would be nice to get $1 a share (given my small position), but I will need to watch level 2 to get out near bottom.
Exit comments: Had a minor issue with suretrader. I wanted to cover an dit would take my order at the limit price, so I entered another one (I was going to cancel the first), but then BOTH were placed. So then I had to sell the extra shares I bought. It ended up costing me some $, but I still made profit. A nice trade ... and a nice setup.

Entry comments: Up on crap news from a few days ago. I shorted in morning panic, and of course as soon as I did it bounced. I decided to hold because I think my theory is right. It faded nicely the rest of the day and at market close I'm ahead slightly. I think it will continue down to 4.00, if not 2.00. Would be nice to lock in profit at 4!
Exit comments: No such thing. It spiked due to a Seeking Alpha article, then faded where I unloaded half my position for a loss, then on day 2 it climbed again, but I held until it bottomed (level 2) where I unloaded the other half of my position. So, in the end, I did a nice unloading after it went against me. I wanted to be out of this stock in case it kept going up on hype.

Entry comments: Got in when I thought morning spike was failing. It then broke out on me (of course). Decided to hold it all the way up to 52-week high of 3.50, where it failed and downtrended the rest of the day. Saw HUGE resistance at 3.50 so decided to stay in and hold over the weekend. This stock is up way too much in such a short period. Plan is to cover at 2.50 or 2-ish.
Exit comments: Added to position on Monday, covered some to take profit and reduce risk. Covered rest today (Tuesday) for profit. Decided to get out completely to take profit.

Entry comments: Holding over the weekend ... ADXS is a PnD I've been watching for a while. I think it wants to go down to 5-ish. I shorted in the morning, then got squeezed, but decided to wait it out because I don't think it has much more to go UP, so I held throughout the day. At market close I'm exactly break even, so I'm holding over the weekend, hoping for break-down to at least 7, if not beyond, although probably over a longer period of time.
Exit comments: Update: Enlarged my position and am now short 800 @ 8.605. I'm feeling comfortable with this position at this location. Decided to get out to take profit.

Entry comments: Earnings winner from a few days ago. Decided to buy going into close over weekend because it was holding resistance from last few days. I kept buying more to get better average price. HARD BOTTOM LIMIT of 1.53. Hoping to go to 2. Not good risk/reward - Noted.
Exit comments: Might still go up, but might also still go down. I needed to get out my my large position. Horrible risk/reward. Not ideal earnings winner pattern (at all).

Triple topped 52-week high resistance, but got scared because pattern looks like it's a bullish triangle, which means it will breakout UP. I decided to reduce my position from 800 to 400 short by covering 400 at a small loss. I saw a lot of resistance at 3.50 so I am still hoping it will drop. It also seems to have cracked the triangle pattern. I'm still short 400 shares.

I saw this % gainer up on lame news (remaining listed) and I saw it was thinking of cracking below support, with no resistance on the level 2, so I shorted it. My plan was to sell at 2.20 and lock in a quick profit. SureTrader wouldn't execute and I missed it. I had been up $50 and that quickly disappeared. Then I decided to put in my buy (to cover) order of $2.21 and watch a movie with my wife (I had an alarm set in case it went UP). I check in and saw my buy order was executed. FINALLY a win!

Entry comments: Wednesday: This stock is up 145% on commercial news. OK, might be great product, but up 145% in a day. Up from 2.43 to 6. Going into close it could not keep HOD, and started to breakdown. Looks like H&S pattern could be forming at around 5.70. I think it'll decline tomorrow, to maybe 5.50 or lower. I don't think it wil go higher, even if there's a morning spike. News is just too thin, and it's gone up too much in 1 day.
Exit comments: Thu: Well ... it was looking good pre-market. It had spiked and was downtrending. At market open it continued to downtrend, quite rapidly. I was watching level 2 on my iPhone and saw at one point is was down to 5.30 (below my goal of 5.50). At the time I was hosting a teleconference, so not able to PAY FULL ATTENTION so I did not take profit. I was hoping it would continue. It bounced and I got out PAINFULLY at 6.20. LESSON LEARNED - DO NOT TRADE WHEN HOSTING TELECONFERENCE CALL.
Never attempt to copy or mirror the trades discussed on this website or in alerts. Attempting to do so may result in substantial financial losses. Alerts are not provided in real-time. For that reason, it is highly unlikely you will be able to buy the stocks at the same entry price, or sell the stocks at the same exit price, to achieve the same or similar profits obtained.