$1,306 profit TSOI Long Stock
Entry comments: Former Supernova spiking on this news https://tim.ly/3HxvO8Y thx STT Breaking News, goal is to make 10-20%, could be fast given breaking news, cut losses if no further spike
Exit comments: Absolutely perfect, AWESOME alert from http://tim.ly/breaking maybe it goes more too, but I'm happy with this solid gain to start the week, whewwww, already .028s now
Thanks Tim. +1
I absolutely love STT. I'm new and just learning but I already see the amazing potential it has
I understand, Thanks Tim.
I will take those singles all day long! For me $500 is an AWESOME trade. People look down on $1000 profits because they are entitled and live in a world of instant gratification. And BTW, STT Breaking News is worth EVERY PENNY of the measly $50/mo price!!!
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