
Tutorial - Finding Training Videos for Specific Content: If you're wanting to watch more training videos for a specific strategy or setup, these can be located in the Premium section of 1. Click 'Premium' in the top menu bar 2. Select the newsletter you're subscribed to in the lefthand navigation panel 3. When the newsletter menu opens, select 'Categories' 4. The 'Content by Categories' list will be opened in the main content field, listing the video categories by name and the number of videos available for the designated topic 5. At the time of posting, the video categories are automatically sorted by the number of videos available and are not able to be sorted alphabetically by topic / content

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Tutorial - Posting Trades - Adding Commentary: When you post a trade, if you want the commentary to be in separate paragraphs for the opening comment and closing comment, you'll have to post a trade as being open, first, which will only have you enter the entry price and entry comment. Then, you will go to your open trades and close the trade out, separately. This will allow you to enter the closing price and any commentary you add will appear in a separate paragraph in the trade details. If entered and exiting a position and only care to make one block comment on the trade, you can initially enter the trade as a closed position, which means you'll enter both the entry and exit price, and the commentary will be in a single block of text, regardless of whether or not you enter blank lines in the text field.

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Tutorial - Posting Trades: When you post trades, you don't have to post them sequentially by the date the trades were executed. Instead, the trades will be ordered in the list according to the date range selected for the trade itself, regardless of when the post was created.

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Caution - Don't Delete Your Trade Post By Accident: If you're trying to edit a trade, be extra careful not to click the trash can by accident! I did. Fortunately, I had my comments and data stored in a separate spreadsheet and I was able to repost the trade. When you hover over the trash can, pop up text warns you that it'll permanently delete the trade, but there it doesn't ask for a confirmation before doing so. A confirmation for the delete would be a good feature for the dev team to add.

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Tutorial - Chat Rooms: There is a button labeled "Click to load history" in the chat rooms, right above the text entry field, that allows you to load the history of the conversation from before you joined the room. However, this button is only present if you're in an individual chat room, not if you're using the All In One chat option. If you're using the All In One chat, which combines rooms, this text/button won't be displayed, because the feed will include the chat comments from multiple rooms and the system won't know which chat history it's supposed to load from.

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Tutorial - Posting Trades: If you post a completed trade and designate it as Closed, it'll have you enter both the entry and exit price. If you have separate comments for your entry and exit, when the trade is posted, the comments will be displayed in a single text block no matter what your formatting is in the text box. If you post a trade and first designate it as Open, it will only have you enter the entry price of the position and comments can be added to the text box. Once the open position is posted, click the caret (^) symbol to close the trade. When prompted, enter the closing price and your closing comments. In this case, because the trade was posted in two parts, the comments will appears in separate block for the final post.

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"How can you be a mountain man without a beard?? I bet you can't even chop wood!" I have a beard, but my current profile picture doesn't show it and I like this pic. My wife also prefers a short beard rather than one that reaches my chest. Go figure... I started chopping wood as a church service project to help elderly folks in the winters of the Northwest (Oregon) when I was a teenager and have enjoyed chopping wood ever since, though it's certainly not my only mountain-y interest!

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If anyone has newbie technical questions about how the website works, feel free to shoot them my direction. If I don't know the answer, I'll figure it out and report back on my findings. Team work benefits everyone! I learn best by teaching and my profession is software quality assurance for web-based products (I test websites, etc), so I'm used to digging in and figuring out how things work. I'm learning more and more each day about how to use the interface, like how to post trades (and bulk imports vs individual postings), search others' trades for specific tickers and date ranges (when researching specific patterns and setups from videos), what should be posted to "prove" a trade, etc.

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