[TimChallenge] You know on second thoughts CANF might have a next leg up and if its does I think it will go past $8 and not much more but how can we tell. It could proceed to $12 as well. Like Tim G underestimated it when he started shorting. I guess it is a waiting game until tomorrow. My gut says it might spike - just catching us all off guards because it dropped so much. i think it must have been aggressive shorts plus the stop losses taken out that made it slide down so quickly.

[TimAlerts] you are welcome - just be careful going long or short with ITCI unless you are scalping. I tried scalping 100 shares at a time but am not too comfortable. I have not lost on it so far but it moves so quickly --scary. The best would be if it has reached move up more since the analyst upgrade is $95, it does have room to move and therefore can spike quickly - better to short when it is higher now

[TimAlerts] I honestly might have jumped the gun because I only read it to the point where he wrote that CANF is over. I was anticipating his stock alert and thought he was going to write something positive about it. Oh well, he's the Guru here and I can't argue his statement. I would like to identify or be schooled for the reason the stock may have questionable financing too though, so the reasoning would be clear.

[TimChallenge] $NYM \X nhod

[TimChallenge] $OGXI already made a 52 week high