@dux great job with the videos did the old ones get removed? wanted to check those out again

Situkic15 Jan 09, 17 8:28 AM

yeah i was coming back to watch them a second time and i couldn't find it

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@Zaleucus hey I got a quick question. After proving to yourself you can make money trading penny stocks and seeing yourself make 24K in profits, would you consider to quit your job?

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@timothysykes hey Tim how are you,am new to stocks and am using fidelity investment but not liking it what's your advice to me?thank u

Situkic15 Aug 01, 16 3:54 PM

he wont give his advice cuz you're not a remium member

3nder Aug 02, 16 10:16 AM

Considering he already has a video on this exact thing, its unlikely he'd bother to comment regardless.

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