_MrSal_ Aug 11, 16 4:23 PM

@Spliff530 Thanks! I have gone through some of the how to make millions dvd and did not find a specific range.

Doncematic Aug 12, 16 8:04 AM

You have to compare it to the average trading volume. It's relative. A stock which trades 10.000 shares a day, and has a float of 1.000.000, then I'd say that this is not a 'low floater'. But if the average trading volume is 5.000.000 with a float of 1.000.000, then I do consider it to be a low floater. Imo, the float is small whenever the trading volume is bigger than the float

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epadr003 Dec 15, 15 3:20 AM

Yes , lots of information for a beginner, need to watch it again and again.

Wakko Dec 15, 15 9:53 AM

Follow the market for a few weeks, get into the chat room, observe how things works, and pratice with paper trading. After doing that for a while, watch the DVD again and you will understand it way better.

Spliff530 Dec 15, 15 3:15 PM

U didn't watch the DVD did u?

epadr003 Dec 15, 15 3:30 PM

watching again but this time i need to take notes.

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Spliff530 Nov 18, 15 2:50 PM

if u use ThinkorSwim u can use a earnings study filter

Spliff530 Nov 21, 15 3:03 PM

thats hella awesome thanx

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_adot Nov 15, 15 3:36 PM

Dont try and guess how the market is going to react to earnings. Wait for price action and then execute your trades.

kylemgoodwin Nov 15, 15 8:09 PM

like he said, Don't guess what the stock is going to do. REACT to what it does. Once it has reacted positively look for possible entrys. Look at support and resistance look to dip buy near support and on breakouts

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peterboxeo Oct 29, 15 1:41 PM

Thank you all ! I didn't get charged because im under free trading for 60 days under TDA promotion !

peterboxeo Oct 29, 15 1:43 PM

@Raidon I was looking to 30% but it failed and had a mental stop at 1 cent if that makes any sense haha Overall i just wanted to get my feet wet with the executions on real time because paper trading was not doing what I wanted it to do!

trader91 Oct 29, 15 5:39 PM

is td ameritrade good for shorting and buying penny stocks? and how much money do you need for margin? and do you use level 2 and charting and is it thinkorswim platform for charting and level 2, and are the executions great do you get filled?

peterboxeo Oct 29, 15 5:45 PM

@trader91 Havent started to short yet, still new but i tried on paper account and they did not have some shares to borrow. I think your best bet would be IB, which was my first option but i am not old enough to start an account (21+)... TDA minimum for margin is 2k, I do have a margin account with them and you need to sustain 2k. I do use LVL2 and charting on thinkorswim platform.. The excutions this morning were great, but this is my first broker. I am sure there are far better brokers that exe

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