
Crypto acct is rocking! Need to gain that level of success on the stock side and I would be able to trade full time. Got to earn the success and be ready to take the leap when the opportunity presents.

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I did a terrible job today of closing and taking profits. Had trades that were green and held too long and ended ups taking a loss. Killed the P/L for the day. Still learning and even though down for the day was able to take away some positives. Extremely guilty of overtrading. Still don't have near enough patience to sit and just wait for the correct set up. I forced a couple today and they were losses. Better than I was but not as good as I'm going to be! Down on the day and may have one that carries though the weekend. Other than that we'll study over the weekend and prep for a good Monday.

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Today was a good day. In one account got out from under a few trades that I was way upside down in and wound up a couple buck from dead even day which means that my trades were good to make up the deficit. In other account, had a few losses and a few small winners then one great winner thanks to Jack Kellogg. Happened to catch his email alert for a trade and followed suit. Closed that just as it started to tank for a massive gain. 10+% overall gain in that portfolio today. Like I said, today was a good day. Happy, learning and earning.

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Today was a much better day. Show to be green on both accounts. Kept the losses small and had a couple decent % gains. Did much better today not chasing runners. I overtrade and I know it. I was much more patient today onstage this allowed me to make some better entries and exit for profit rather than rushing late into a trade and buying at the peak the getting his with a down turn and forced to take a loss. Keep working on my education and the experience will come. I am going to be successful.

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