moneybags97 Dec 13, 17 4:37 PM

hope you like waking up to a gap down, i wouldnt recommend buying a stock thats up like 1000% this past month, especially with a red candle like that on the daily, good luck!

HFTrade Dec 13, 17 5:39 PM

Looking at the 20ma line it is at 5.07 and it has a slight negative slope to it. I don't buy a stock unless it crosses the 20 ma line when this line also has a positive slope. I think DPW could go in any direction at this time, so I would consider it too risky. In the past I made a lot of costly mistakes holding overnight. But ... 1 share is hardly taking a risk.

lsg582 Dec 13, 17 5:42 PM

@moneybags97 haha yeah.. I'm halfway expecting that but we'll see in the morning

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Torkers Nov 10, 17 2:13 PM

GL -- I had the same goal as you - but this is bloody hard!

moneybags97 Nov 10, 17 2:41 PM

@KingStaz may be a good Time to take a few days off to study and prevent the blow up, good luck!

moneybags97 Nov 10, 17 2:42 PM

@Torkers true it’s hard, but the end result will be well worth it, good luck to you as well

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moneybags97 Oct 17, 17 2:00 PM

@Juliaann_ it gapped up yesterday and finished at its highs with over 50 million shares traded and over 100 million shares traded today

Juliaann_ Oct 17, 17 3:11 PM

Thank you. Sorry if noob question lol

RockRobster Oct 17, 17 3:28 PM

One good indicator to look for, when shorting, is fading volume. TRXC did NOT have any fade in volume at all. It actually had an increase on day 2.

RockRobster Oct 18, 17 1:11 AM

@Juliaann The price action at the end of the day is often a good indicator for good Day 2. At the end of the day, on Day 1, TRXC was still slowly climbing up until the close. A stock that ends the day like this CAN (not always) be a good overnight hold and you can avoid using a day trade.

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rox1018 Aug 08, 17 4:14 PM

i 100 perent resonate with this. One why I combat this type of emotion is too wait until the chart truly gives me an obvious entry point for a short or a long. And I start the day knowing ill only make one trade, I do this to help with my patience and wait for the perfect setup. I have seen progress with this. Good luck too you!

moneybags97 Aug 08, 17 8:11 PM

@jonliddle1018 thanks! good luck to you as well.

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