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PennyStock_Meg Jan 08, 20 12:30 PM

@kobrakai I did O/N OWCP a few days ago in my Etrade account, I only made around $50. It's a fat ticker but moves nicely. I set my alert to notify me under 0.06

PennyStock_Meg Jan 08, 20 12:33 PM

@kobrakai So far I've made 40% on $GGSM (my very first trade) but I'm having a hard time verifying it on Profitly. Maybe because it's a new account and I have to wait a few days

kobrakai Jan 08, 20 12:37 PM

I can't trade GGSM on IB, closing only trades. Happened before with UNRG due to tiny market cap

LadyLittleRock Jan 09, 20 9:49 AM

@PennyStock_Meg be careful with that verifying, because, when I tried to do it too, I was getting error messages. Then a couple of days later, started getting messages from Etrade* (that wasn't Etrade) wanting me to login from email link, my username and password. Which Etrade never tells you to respond via email, they say to call them and or login into your account on a new page, never a link in email.

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sailormanjac Dec 18, 19 9:14 PM

They look like a classic stairstepper pump and dump and yes their financial are horrifying. Thanks for verifying. Aloha and good trading.

redcandles Dec 22, 19 12:00 AM

If you feel you have an edge playing this low volume stuff, fine. But these setups are not scalable with real $. You would be very lucky to squeak out a $1000 win ever playing this stuff. You also leave yourself wide open to getting blown out in a black swan move. TMRC was fine, but the rest look pretty rough

PennyStock_Meg Dec 22, 19 6:35 PM

@anatomic I hear you. I've been trading coming up 3 years now. I've played penny stocks, large caps and mid cap stocks. I've leaned more toward OTC this past year, just b/c the profit potential is so much more. I generally trade between $300-$600/trade. The reason why is b/c if you are wrong, you can lose up to 50% of what you put in even with good risk management. But if you are right on the trade, your win can be between 50-400%. It's crazy

sailormanjac Dec 22, 19 7:49 PM

judging from your profit chart I would be led to believe that you definitely have some things figured out. Aloha

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LadyLittleRock Dec 11, 19 10:04 PM

great info, I've been looking at TMRC & the lotto play too. Saw TMRC traded 1096 times with I think a 50% increase & 1.5M. MMNFF same, 951k, FNMA 1625 Trades 14 M more more expense, didnt see signs of weakness, all on my watchlist too.

somsakun555 Dec 12, 19 7:37 AM

Thank you so much Meg! I'm new here. I like your style of trading and learning from you. I appreciate it.(:

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Hi Meg, This is Sam. I'm new to stock trading. You are very smart and successful. Congrats!. I'd like to be your follower and learn from you. Especially how to find the right stocks to play. I hope you don't mind. In the chat you said you are a nurse. So I'm I ): Nice to meet you. Thank you.

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