
@bank_a_tronic Missed you at the Summit. Hope you are feeling better. I went back to live this week. After being up $6500 on my PT account in 2 months Tim G , Mark C , APJ, and my trading buddies told me its time to risk real money again. I am only trading 100 shares but I am short bias so the higher risk is still there. Time to make back the 4k I am down in the live IB account right ? Good luck to you, and Sara... Be well !

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bank_a_tronic Nov 03, 16 6:44 PM

Hi Treat! I'm going to pm you on twitter about something. sorry that it took me so long to respond-I missed this message.

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@Brookeysum 80% win is very impressive. I am guessing you are trading with a small account. Are you short bias ? I am sure other Challenge students could benefit from your careful planning and strategy ideas if you are willing to share. You are doing great !

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Brookeysum Sep 26, 16 5:14 AM

Thank you, so I typed out a comment but it was too long to fix in this comment box, so let me know if you want me to send by email if that helps!

treat_rayner Sep 26, 16 12:06 PM

You are welcome to email me anytime you wish.

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