[TimAlerts] got out of $ASTC at 2.31 break even..was holding overnight should of sold yesterday after hours may dip buy this if it drops
[TimAlerts] got out of $ASTC at 2.31 break even..was holding overnight should of sold yesterday after hours may dip buy this if it drops
[TimAlerts] in $ASTC at 2.30 possible O/N hold
[TimAlerts] $ASTC spiking
[TimAlerts] Thoughts on $CHK overnight, PM me please
[TimAlerts] thinking bout going in on $MCEP holding at multi month support needs more volume
[TimAlerts] thoughts on $BBG PM me please
[TimAlerts] thoughts on $BBG PM me please
[TimAlerts] $BBG up on news
[TimAlerts] $TROX making a come back
[TimAlerts] $CJES in 1.30 waiting for b/o, see support at 1.25