
Hey everyone, I'm back to posting on Profitly. I have an IB account that I can verify the trades. For all the haters that dont believe my trades and profits are real. Hate to break it to you...they are real.

Received 10 Karmas
Fox_Trader Feb 12, 18 8:25 PM

Jane , Don't worry about those fools that are always causing problems. I know you and your trades are real !! Had a few haters myself all I do is laugh when they disapeer.

rileydakota Feb 13, 18 10:15 PM

Looking forward to your seminar in June!

AirplaneJane Feb 28, 18 8:50 PM

Me too and it is all thanks to Tim Sykes tools for getting me started

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@AirplaneJane fakest trades I've ever seen 50k positions to make 500$, 20k positions to make 100$. cut the crap

eldorado7 Dec 29, 17 4:09 PM

why you all butt hurt that jane is plain fake, see what i did there

Fox_Trader Dec 30, 17 7:06 AM

Stay in your fantasy world she is real !!!

eldorado7 Dec 30, 17 11:58 AM

well she may be but her trades certainly are not lol

eldorado7 Dec 30, 17 12:02 PM

shes #3 in madoff alltime on the leaderboards as well

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Just got a review from Tim about my book. Check it out It's amazing that so many people start daytrading with his tools. My life, my family's life and many others' lives have changed for the better with everything he shares. Always thankful.

Received 18 Karmas
HeyJude May 20, 17 1:13 PM

Congratulations !! How exciting!

DEANOVINO Jun 19, 17 4:26 AM

Hi Jane just enjoyed lisning to your u tube interview 24 th June 2016 , very inspiring , I am new to Stocks , what broker would you recommend to paper trade , ? regards Deanovino

HeyJude Jun 21, 17 1:27 PM

I think Interactive Broker's does paper trading. I just watched Jane's Youtube video too. Awesome!

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@AirplaneJane Hi Jane! Sorry to bother you with this question, but I'm on limited time and I'm not sure if Tim's support will get back to me soon enough. Tim has the promotion on his DVDs for only a couple of more days now, and as I'm planning on taking the challenge, I'm not sure if you get any of these DVDs included with the challenge or not. The DVDs are super expensive (especially with our CAN $$), so I'm not sure if I should by any, or if I'll get all that I need from the challenge. Thank you for your time <3 Jude

HeyJude May 20, 17 1:13 PM

@Kev2128 - Thanks Kev! I'm psyching myself up to start the challenge. A little nervous. It's nice to have support through the group, even if it's just a little comment.

Raylbc27 May 20, 17 4:46 PM

Nice and good luck! Let make know if you have any questions..

HeyJude May 21, 17 12:11 PM

Thanks Kev !!

HeyJude Jul 10, 17 5:38 PM

I'm in the Challenge !! :))) You've done well. Have you traded before signing up with Tim? How did you manage to be successful? I ask because not everyone does so well their first year and I'm curious if there was something you did that really helped?

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@AirplaneJane Hi Jane! I'm a 40 something female Vancouverite, Canada, and I came across your letter to Tim. I recently started to learn from Tim (Pennystocking Silver), and after reading your letter, I'm seeing the value in signing up for the challenge. All the information and links is indeed overwhelming, but thanks to your inspiring story, I feel confident that it's all possible.

Received 1 Karma
HeyJude May 20, 17 1:14 PM

Oh - I just read your comment Elle to another

HeyJude May 20, 17 1:15 PM

Whoops - I was trying to say, I just read your comment below to another fellow Canadian who is also looking for broker with the smaller account. I will check out those ones you recommended .

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