
@HeyJude awesome stockstotrade episode!

asfricksrs Mar 27, 18 9:46 PM

I finally was able to listen to this weeks podcast. Thank you for your candor about "our" journey...have many same experiences.

HeyJude Mar 28, 18 2:47 PM

@asfricksrs srs Awesome! :))) This sh*t isn't easy! But the community is great!! Are you in STT Pro?

asfricksrs Mar 28, 18 2:57 PM

Silver June '17 - went to Orlando "wow" - Challenge Student October '17 - few trades, losses, studying...getting ready to start again..haha...thought of STT Pro will have to wait....yes, it is a bit random at times... good luck to you!

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@HeyJude just wondering if you are planning to go to the next conference in September 2018? I'm from Winnipeg and thinking I would go. Last conference was my daughter's birthday so couldn't miss that as I am the DD. lol

HeyJude Mar 26, 18 2:04 PM

Hi ! Yes - I really hope to go. I had so much fun last year meeting everyone. It's definitely worth going to.

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@HeyJude Yes I just started in November and am completely new to trading so have just been learning so far. How about you? are you trading yet?

HeyJude Jan 15, 18 4:30 PM

Trading yes, successful - not yet. I'm starting to figure things out - months later, but it's a challenging process for me. Whenever Tim Sykes puts on his next conference, I'd HIGHLY recommend going to it. You just never know who you will connect with and great having personal support and someone to reach out to when things get tough. Good luck with everything!! Free free to ask me questions any time.

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@AmberNinja are you going to the conference?

HeyJude Nov 16, 17 1:52 PM

I meant to say -- My friend Rehanna and I are both stumped!

AmberNinja Nov 16, 17 3:29 PM

I sent you a message on

TEE_lucky10 Nov 16, 17 5:36 PM

I didn't make it to the conference due to hurricane harvey.....was totally bummed. STT has lots of videos and I talked to Tim Bohen yesterday about creating a User Group

HeyJude Nov 16, 17 7:25 PM

That's fantastic (about User group), bummer about the hurricane. The conference was great!! Such a good opportunity to meet other traders. I know Amber is in STT pro, are you in it too Tracy?

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@HeyJude how's the challenge journey been so far? stumbled upon you on jane's wall.

april4 Jul 28, 17 8:11 PM

ok..nice...i m not a challenge student....what all DVDs are on your plate?

HeyJude Jul 30, 17 2:21 PM

I have - apparently - 150 hours worth of Tim's DVDs to get through. It's a lot - but I'm learning tons!

HeyJude Jul 31, 17 12:46 AM

And to you too !!

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@bezzo just became a fully transparent trader today!

Received 1 Karma
bezzo Jul 13, 17 11:27 PM

Hey Jude. Not yet. Im trying to figure out whats my best option to start learning. I have 0 knowledge regarding trading. And you ?

HeyJude Jul 15, 17 12:54 AM

I did 3 months of the pennystocking lessons and decided to sign up for the challenge. I'm only about 2 weeks in to my studying. Haven't started trading yet. Probably won't start until after September. My eyes are going square from the hours of watching the DVDs. But... I'm learning :))

bezzo Jul 18, 17 12:16 PM

Awesome, good luck!

TheStudent Oct 16, 17 10:50 PM

It's just a beginning... :)

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@SteveVanderHelm just became a fully transparent trader today!

HeyJude Jan 12, 18 7:05 PM

Hey Steve! I just saw "Vancouver Canada" on the webinar and thought I would reach out and say HEY! I'm also a Vancouverite- just moved the island to get away from the rat-race and traffic. How are you doing so far? Did you just start?

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@AnneMarita Hi Anne Marita! I noticed your postings under pretty much every one of Tim's lessons. I'm wondering if you have joined the challenge... and if you've started to trade yet? I've been watching the lessons and plan on joining the challenge very soon, but I'm curious about others who are seemingly starting out and where they you are at with your confidence and readiness to trade. This is all VERY new to me, but I'm really excited to start this path and "get addicted". Thank you for any input. Jude from B.C. Canada

AnneMarita Nov 17, 17 7:44 AM

Hi there, sorry got a bit busy with the kids for couple of days. First I look at the average volume, but even more important once the stock starts moving, is the volume that day. Since I have STT, I'm able to see all that right there. It's keeping current with every stock's volume. You can also see it on Yahoo Finance and - if I recall right.

AnneMarita Nov 17, 17 7:53 AM

P.S. Like for example today one of the stocks that I'm watching is EGLT, and it has already a volume of 1.5 Million today - and it's only how many shares sold pre-market so far.

HeyJude Nov 17, 17 12:12 PM

Super helpful !! Thank you for time and good luck !!!!

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@HeyJude I noticed that TD bank is a bit of a pain to deal with. It took while the other day to call in to make a trade. I missed the sweet spot and didn't get it. Hopefully you'll have better luck. Have a great weekend.

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