
$745 profit EMAN Long Stock

Entry comments: Partial position on this late day http://tim.ly/breaking breaking news alert EMAN chips now being used by both NVDA and Facebook with their Oculus Rift project, huge potential, not my favorite stock to trade as its choppy/non-volatile hence small position, but goal is to make 7-15% afterhours tonight/premarket tomorrow

Exit comments: Good start for me today, solid wall of sellers at 1.5 so I won't get greedy, just taking my single here, dip buy was the key

Received 4 Karmas
JoeRyan Aug 06, 20 8:31 AM

I am just keeping myself accountable here

alanandetana Aug 06, 20 9:19 AM

Thanks Tim! I don’t understand when you say a pre-market dip. How can a stock dip if it’s pre-market? Thanks

Windwalzer Aug 06, 20 10:39 PM

Thank you. :) I thought the chart looked more like a 1 & done/Spike & fail.

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