what do you mean when you say "Shorts 6.5 days to cover."

How do you know how long the shorts will have to cover? isn't it based on the broker?

It's a calculation of the amount of shares short divided by the average volume, the higher the number the better the odds of a squeeze. Thought I would save you some time @Turbobob =)

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Thanks for the heads up
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Me too, this was fantastic today $300 profit out the gate.!!!
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I bought on the morning panic of 1.33 sold at like 10:45am at $1.53 x 1,600 shares solid $300.00 in profits after commission I'll take it!

@Centaurion Thanks for sharing!.Today is my First buy! I bought at $1.23 about 10 AM and tried to get out at 1.56-1.59. I couldnt get it done. I am still in there trying to get the fees covered (only bought 100 shares) I need to buy more shares in the future. Its been fun though!

@Centaurion (I bought TBIO)
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What gives the signal that DFFN was a pump? the fact that trading was stopped due to volatility multiple times throughout the morning?

@Centaurion No it was the longterm char that gave it away. A stock with a 100 day chart like that, is an indefinite pump. Now not all pumps have charts like that, but if it does it is a pump.

@OONPAPERTRADES thanks for the advice, greatly appreciated.
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@Centaurion just became a fully transparent trader today!
It's really great for people starting out and learning what stocks are good buys and why and to see examples the different catalysts and how they play out.
Trading tickets by far the best DVD... spikeability, eh.
Trading Tickers is brilliant too!
Really good dvd -
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