@kroyrunner Hi Tim , apologies for the noob question i am currently creating spreadsheets to track data , i have watched trading tickers and used tradetheticker.blog spread sheet example and found both very helpful. I have split the tickers into separate categories including : market,volume , market cap , float then split them into good , medium and bad day ones. This has however left me with over 100 spread sheets and will take over 2 years to fill each one with 100 tickers. Would you say this is to extensive or worth the time ? Thankyou for the great lessons in the chat !

@mitch20 I think you're splitting your categories far too severely if it leaves you with that many sheets. What I do is I track all these things on ONE sheet per setup, and then I can sort/filter by column to see if any of the variables I'm tracking actually make the play more/less likely to succeed

Hi Tim, your DVDs are great; thank you for explaining your ideas and thought processes in detail, I've found it really helpful in developing my own ideas and strategies. Do you still use Equityfeed (now called Scanz)? What do you use to record your trades? Will there be a sequel to Trading Tickers? Thanks.
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a lot of good takeaways. thanks champ!

you're helping me learn a lot about real penny stocks, jack. thank you!

Thank you

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You're a huge inspiration man. Got interested in stocks through someone in "real life" and when I went to their mansion, got super inspired and can't ever unsee how nice they were living. The do a lot of work with animals and are huge (although I don't really know them other than a few gatherings) inspiration. That lead me to Tim Sykes (famous line every ones haha), who then lead me to you. Been following everyone (You, Sykes, Bohen, all other students) for roughly 8 months now, been studying on and off and now have more time than ever to sit down and grind. Thought I'd drop a quick comment saying how much I appreciate what you put out there for free, and hope to one day invest in your DVDs (all of them), as well as Sykes' and others. Good shit man! :)

@faulksmash just became a fully transparent trader today!
Congrats dude! I just found your username through the Challenge chat today so I have yet to dig deep and study your trades but will be adding them to the studying arsenal haha.
Congrats to you!!! Looking forward to hearing and watching a video about your story!!
Congratulations on your great achievement!
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