@fittrader101 the large bearish candle did it although it didn't crack the support level scores my exit 2/5 definitely a rushed decision.

Exactly guys! But this is a good learning moment for Scott :). Damn Scott you traded LFIN? haha that one ...

@fittrader101 I didn't trade LFIN unfortunately watched it shock and awe 😨
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And another thing.. You can use ThinkorSwim. You just need a Tax Number.. Get it here. https://www.irs.gov/individuals/individual-taxpayer-identification-number

You don't need tax number to sign up for their trial account. https://www.thinkorswim.com/t/pm-registration.html

Thanks guys, appreciate the comments, yes, i think it's going to be a case of taking a step back at market open, only focusing on one or two stocks max and following pre laid plans

www.alliancetrading.com is also no problem for u to sign up on - pretty happy with them - now that you have done your first trade your getting the feel for it - feel the anticipation and rush - slowly but surely you will be more and more confident and you get safer and safer. This takes time - remember this is a marathon - not a sprint- Keep studying hard and im sure you will nail it eventually - GL on your journey
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@MoneyMike916 just became a fully transparent trader today!

If you keep 100% equity on your short then you don't get charged interest. ie. you have $2k in your account and you short $2k of a stock then there is no interest. Also, E*Trade does not charge interest for intraday shorting, at least that's what they just told me.

Is this for real??

This can’t be right.....

They seem to be doing things not kosher. I know they have a lot of leeway with margin accounts but I am getting charged almost 60% interest on my short position, skyrocketed about 5% per day over 30 days, this seems usurious? Also, they keep playing with margin req's; went from 30% to 60%, this morning jumped to 90%??? Then 3 hours later back to 60%. WTH is going on? I smell lawsuit.
@Torkers It is the ONLY strategy I use for day trading. And I do it with my phone. Usually with stocks I already know - not scanning for new ones everyday so they're not going to be as volatile as a pump and dump. But you can estimate the percentage drop intraday and set a buy near a round no. if the stock exhibits weakness daily in the morning.
@MK1996 Yes - Dux has mentioned in his interview with Sykes that he has had like a 90%+ win rate with dip buys. It is a higher probability setup. I would say shorting pumps has the potential for much more profits, but dip buying is one of the best patterns for day trading long.
@thomasKlegend thats soinds just amazing. Im having a rough 1 year - i have studied alot and dedicate all of my free time to trading And IT has not been working to well. My biggest problem is not cutting losses - i hold And hope way too kong And end up with massive losses insted of small ones. 4 weeks ago i really thought i had turned it around - i was down to 1600 $ on my account And then suddenly i felt like everything clicked. I had like 30 trades in a row with profits And made 4500 $ on litt
Nice to see people on here actually making some profits. Great job
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