$120 Profit
CYXTShort Stock
-$49 Loss
CYXTLong Stock
-$24 Loss
CYXTLong Stock
$8 Profit
CYXTLong Stock
-$246 Loss
CYXTLong Stock

-$5 Loss
CYXTLong Stock
-$190 Loss
CYXTLong Stock
-$1 Loss
CYXTLong Stock

p/m spiker i bought on a revamp in the hopes of a b/o yet failed. i was not aware it was OTC and so loss also on commission i guess .also should note that its frozen since then .... ahh i see it is no CYXTQ & is now trending up to its highs .interesting . can not believe i missed that i is OTC . i never trade OTC due to commission.



Entry comments: Dip bought this big runner off its intraday highs, looks t be moving similar to IDEX which kept going so let's try this and my goal is 5-10% bounce, rumored news with lenders regarding chapter 11

Exit comments: Solid winner here, should've gone bigger, but I'm still in timeout after my big undisciplined loss 2 weeks ago...good practice to take singles on plays like this and IDEX, low priced runners are coming back nicely this week


-$1 Loss
CYXTLong Stock

still learning, need to do less trades and actually see what type of pattern it is before jumping in


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Never attempt to copy or mirror the trades discussed on this website or in alerts. Attempting to do so may result in substantial financial losses. Alerts are not provided in real-time. For that reason, it is highly unlikely you will be able to buy the stocks at the same entry price, or sell the stocks at the same exit price, to achieve the same or similar profits obtained.