Can you please remind me which scanner you use? Or did you custom make it

Would be cool if you recorded a live trading session with ibk open... still very unfamiliar format to me. Appreciate your work!

OS scanner that I got from Lento lol. nothing crazy
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fyi not able to see your trader view updates

@CodyBanks they are all uploaded jpgs? no?

@CodyBanks i think you have to click each individual trade to see it. they should be all there.

yeah man i got it. Got an IBKR account because of you. My swing and day trading has been fucking me since febuary when market changed. GOing to swithc up and try shorting these 4am pops.
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@Parkercgibby just became a fully transparent trader today!

Thank you for publishing this interesting book. Check Instagram jonasogren. He has made nice candlestick pictures.

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i have since adapted this strategy and it is working well.... videos explaining to come
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