I am by no means a Stock Market Guru or psychic... I am observant and smart. That's it. So, that said, I am making a little prediction. The news says the economy is starting to look like a recession. One example they cited was luxury companies reporting a bull back. My prediction is this: We are going to see a higher number of 1000+% gains on penny stocks in the coming few years. When the economy gets bad, desperate people look to get rich quickly. There will be more people thinking they can be the 10% when they are really the 90%. And where do the 90% put their money? Into the tiny stocks that let them buy lots of shares with little money and "promises" of exponential gains. I might be wrong... only time will tell. Just wanted to put it out there.
I joined Tim Sykes' Challenge on 10/5/23. I then came in here and deleted the two posts from 2 years ago... because I did almost nothing after getting his Alerts and training DVDs. I felt ashamed that I wasted 2 years, that I had everything I needed to become a millionaire and I did nothing. Now I regret deleting those posts because shameful though they were, they were part of my journey to becoming one of Tim Sykes' Millionaire Students. So this is for those of you who procrastinated, wasted time, brushed it off, made excuses... it's all part of the journey, your journey and it's never too late to get to work on becoming a Millionaire. Do it now. I know I am.
I have taken 7 years off other than swing trading my comfortable stocks that take time. I get it. Never force a trade. Let the trade come to you and trust in your knowledge of the set up.
100%. I quit my job in July and have been studying and trading full time ever since... Funny how when I quit to do real estate full time I couldn't make myself wake up at 8 to make phone calls... ow i get up at 4:45 am PST most days to trade.
I love your mindset and yes the market will drop with the housing market coming end of this year and early next year and ride out into a bearish market. Inflation did show a quicker recovery than expected h nice SPY delivering gains. EOD I do not want to be caught at the top of this but sizing into SPXL on dips is not a bad idea when it drops so you don't miss all the $$$. I messed up in COVID having $17 avg with $7000 invested and kept averaging down. I wish I went into a coma after my last buy
@doublehummper I am also a real estate broker so watching the real estate market is something I have done for years... but that's another story. I am LostGenJennifer on Discord if you want to hit me up there. either in the Tim Sykes chat, or in DM. :D Have a good night!
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