
Hey I'm trading from MN too! Good luck to you!

Joevad Feb 07, 21 6:35 PM

I looked at your trades. Nice work. Don't worry about the ones that get away. Just keep following rule#1 and never let one pull you under. I wish I had your discipline. Keep it up, I'll see you at the top.

MontonTrades Feb 08, 21 2:09 PM

thank you sir! means a lot to hear some positive reinforcement.. good luck to you as well!!

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Quality info. My girlfriend is done with trading as she says she can't win. When I show her what you are working on I hope she gives it another shot. She is a data analyst at her day job and has training in Lean and Six Sigma. I bet she will find that challenging. Anyway, Congrats on trading in the black again as well as scaling up your trades.

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@Mrobb9191 just became a fully transparent trader today!

Joevad Jan 26, 21 8:57 AM

Keep you eye on the dream. study hard and get connected in the community.

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I am completely encouraged to see you using Think or Swim. I have become comfortable with this platform but often feel that as a new challenge student I'm out of the loop with the others as nobody talks positively about TD Ameritrade as a whole. Do you use it for regular trading or just for analysis reviews? I've also heard you speak of DOS & STT, do believe one has better execution then another and if so do you feel it is enough to justify additional expense. Thanks for the fantastic reviews and chart analysis.

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