Kody Sep 14, 18 11:39 PM

track set up/pattern you like, build criteria around that and only take the trade if the criteria is met.

nfuniciello Sep 16, 18 11:59 PM

I would focus on finding 1 or 2 strategies that you like and ONLY focus on them. That is what I did when I was struggling for a while and my profits and confidence improved alot. I am still new to the game, but doing something as simple as looking at less will help you more right now. For example I cut down my setups to morning panic dip buys and 1st green days on OTC stocks and tracking the setups. It is making more profitable and consistent. Then once you master the few setups you can expand m

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Kody May 27, 18 5:56 AM

Kinda hard to fully understand your question but you should go into every trade with what your goals are (where you will take profit) and how much you’re going to risk (how much you allow the stock to go against you) before selling for a loss

NOOB3275 May 28, 18 5:10 AM

I think Tim doesnt like price stop for exit to cut lose or take profit. I will try to do like him

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Jonk87 May 27, 18 3:52 AM

@MichaelStuijts appreciate that

Jonk87 May 27, 18 3:54 AM

@PoLo_MeX I don't think you are in a position to comment seeing ur own record as I have demonstrated I am a lot further on in my progress than you are but honestly well done for the transparency and I hope to see you stop ur bleeding and start lifting towards green

PoLo_Espinosa May 28, 18 9:45 PM

@Jonk87 I lose $7K over the last 2 years... You lose that amount in 2 weeks, you are further on your progress than me? Realy? Beeing undiciplined in your risk management... And I said that you are inmature because just watch you on the Episode 5 - Season 1 of the STT podcast... Men realy you think you grow up in this 7 months since that episode and now you are a different grow up person? And know you are going to open a $1K account... realy? You think you are going to trade more conservative wi

PoLo_Espinosa May 28, 18 9:45 PM

conservative with that amount in your account? The only thing you are going to do, is to trade always "all in" and be undiciplined with the risk management. This thing I read it recently and make me al lot of sense... think about it. Is better that you open a paper trade account on STT and practice as it was a real account.

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Kody May 21, 18 9:04 AM

becareful w/ using leverage. good luck

RONALDKIRBY May 21, 18 11:15 AM

i will can make things scary

leterbuck18 May 21, 18 12:27 PM

How long did you study before making this first trade day? I'm studying now since March 24th!!! Paper trading only...

RONALDKIRBY May 22, 18 2:35 AM

i have been trading forex for a long time so coming to Penny Stocks has been a bit easier for me , more about learning concepts that Tim teaches and less about abilty to trade

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Kody May 05, 18 8:54 AM

Silver version is great for the massive video library. The watchlist and the alerts are helpful to try and understand the reason behind Tim’s picks and alerts. If you have no desire to watch the video library it’s not worth it in my opinion

TimeFliesBuy May 06, 18 4:51 AM

To me, Silver is worth it in every way. I studied those video lessons like mad and watched every single one before my year was over. I wouldn't be profitable at this point without them.

Teyrex May 06, 18 12:35 PM

Very worth it.

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Asan4x Apr 23, 18 3:46 PM

Ok. Just check the site djellala.net The guy is the real deal. He has plenty of free videos on youtube.

Kody Apr 23, 18 10:35 PM

Best of luck. Hope you play for the Steelers ;)

mickd Apr 24, 18 7:30 PM

Welcome bud, good luck. You're right, your journey will be a LOT different than ours, but remember to keep it small in the beginning cause market tuition is a bitch, and it is humbling. If I were in your shoes, I guess I'd still start small till I'd get consitant and comfortable. A good place to start is twitter, there are a TON of people worth following who are very successful traders that give insights and advice.

mickd Apr 24, 18 7:33 PM

Oh and trading buddies is a must, bounce ideas and whatnot. Or just to keep you in check not to overtrade. A lot of us are still newbies but try to help other people, but being in the challenge I guess you're all set.

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TrishaDawn19 Apr 13, 18 3:23 AM

@kobayashimaru I have been paper trading. I haven't been doing bad. I also know what the PDT rule is that's why I am going to use E*Trade instead of suretrader or a broker like that.

kobayashimaru Apr 13, 18 3:52 AM

@TrishaDawn19 Sounds good, Once you get consistent profitable trading you can always open multiple accounts to skirt around the PDT.

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