just finished "Trading tickers" DVD. wow learned a lot. its a must watch. few things I learn from the dvd; 1. learned a few new technics 2. learned how to cut losses not just quickly but intelligently 3. learned how to read level 2 better than I already did, kind just confirmed some things for me 4. learned how short sellers think which is important too know, even tho I'm long bias 5. helped me see how a successful trading thinks/does when in a trade losing or winning 6. taught me how to read the chart pattern intraday and daily to figure out if a play is happing or if a potential play will happen 7. this DVD just simply made a better trader over all and if you don't watch it then you you're definitely missing out. thanks Tim Grittani


@Jackaroo Clearly this was about 3-31/2 yrs ago. Looks to me like a little confidence of someone believing in you can make all the difference in the world. Congrats on your success Jack! I truly believe we all have it in us & it just takes hard work & 1 person believing in you & believing in yourself. Your uncle is a great man.

@Jackaroo, I am a few years too late on reading the "blog post: Stick With It". However, it was very inspiring. What was inspiring was not the story in and of itself, but the idea that you choose to "believe" that sticking with something will reap a reward for you in the end. Having a belief is one thing, but making that dream come into fruition is another, which is extremely hard to do when you have not made it to the finish line to win the prize, and to be fair, Uncle Larry knew that for a dre

Badass sir
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