EPZM Well, opened around 12.25 and than dipped down to that 12 support from yesterday. than again, never looked back. Closed a solid 20% up from that dip today, ending around 14, and now 14.55 a/h. $AEMD Talk about a dip to support. went down this morning to yesterdays VWAP shortly after the open (10AM) than spiked up to 2.77! 30% gain for those well timed! Pretty much closed where opened. HTGM DAMN IT! I nhad a short order placed at yesterdays high (4.4)
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ABIL Definately a hard one to play. But today it downtrended most of the day, found support near p/h than ramped up 10%. Only going for dip buys near $1 because I don't trust this. $MOSY had a nasty gap down that ended up being solid support for the rest of the day. Don't know where this is going so only panic dip buys for me. $ANTH $2.15 level ended up being to strong of res after a quick morning spike than shot down hard 30 cents. $1.7 and $1.6
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NK Had a small gap up this morning than had continued momentum keep on rising all day. 10% winner if you bought today and closed around the highs. Looking for a dip or continuation play here. 5.9 -> 6.1 -> 6.2 are the next PT. $CNTF had a nice spike in the morning than dropped most of the day. Picked up some momo at the eod. But did exactly as i predicted. Couldn't break year high, fell back to support and closed there. Might buy on a dip to 3.3 for one more p
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$ENZ Hit the nail on the head with big sell offs from the open. Down .50 per share and has hit it's support.
ANSA Super choppy all day with no cleear direction. Did dip for a nice 8%ish bounce.
$LAYN That 9 dollar mark seems to be strong res broke only by a penny a couple of times. $NM Brief morning spike that was quickly brought down with a 20 cent down side. Overall didn't trade due to a meeting at work.
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[TimAlerts] $PDLI long o/n+ 2.32
[TimAlerts] $BIOC in at $1.17 out at $1.51, $300 porfit
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