just_hubby Jun 15, 17 8:50 PM

EPZM Well, opened around 12.25 and than dipped down to that 12 support from yesterday. than again, never looked back. Closed a solid 20% up from that dip today, ending around 14, and now 14.55 a/h. $AEMD Talk about a dip to support. went down this morning to yesterdays VWAP shortly after the open (10AM) than spiked up to 2.77! 30% gain for those well timed! Pretty much closed where opened. HTGM DAMN IT! I nhad a short order placed at yesterdays high (4.4)

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just_hubby Jun 14, 17 9:21 PM

ABIL Definately a hard one to play. But today it downtrended most of the day, found support near p/h than ramped up 10%. Only going for dip buys near $1 because I don't trust this. $MOSY had a nasty gap down that ended up being solid support for the rest of the day. Don't know where this is going so only panic dip buys for me. $ANTH $2.15 level ended up being to strong of res after a quick morning spike than shot down hard 30 cents. $1.7 and $1.6

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just_hubby Jun 13, 17 9:34 PM

NK Had a small gap up this morning than had continued momentum keep on rising all day. 10% winner if you bought today and closed around the highs. Looking for a dip or continuation play here. 5.9 -> 6.1 -> 6.2 are the next PT. $CNTF had a nice spike in the morning than dropped most of the day. Picked up some momo at the eod. But did exactly as i predicted. Couldn't break year high, fell back to support and closed there. Might buy on a dip to 3.3 for one more p

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russbakr Jun 11, 17 11:07 PM

Digging $ENZ for continuation play. Very nice. Didn't see that one.

just_hubby Jun 12, 17 10:11 PM

$ENZ Hit the nail on the head with big sell offs from the open. Down .50 per share and has hit it's support.

just_hubby Jun 12, 17 10:13 PM

ANSA Super choppy all day with no cleear direction. Did dip for a nice 8%ish bounce.

just_hubby Jun 12, 17 10:15 PM

$LAYN That 9 dollar mark seems to be strong res broke only by a penny a couple of times. $NM Brief morning spike that was quickly brought down with a 20 cent down side. Overall didn't trade due to a meeting at work.

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