
Made the first youtube video as promised. Here I detail why you NEED risk management in trading and what really goes into it other than simply just cutting losses quickly. Sorry for the blurriness, I'll have to figure out how to get a clear recording for future videos and better editing. This was mainly just a test run. Enjoy and let me know what you think!

Received 7 Karmas
RichardKnox Dec 11, 21 6:43 AM

For me, YouTube has also become the first place where I began to share my knowledge and skills. But now I decided to expand my capabilities and for this I needed several Instagram accounts. This source helped me in solving this issue and thanks to this I got quality accounts in a short time.

JFondren Jan 05, 22 3:41 PM

Very well versed and adding to the knowledge account Thx Jack

Brandonian Feb 14, 23 4:55 PM

position size being comfortable with your $ size and $ risk if it goes against you, timing is huge for intraday trading

kFox49 Sep 13, 24 11:23 PM

No7 watched this video. Of course, he is a millionaire but so cool to read one of his comments. I had to check the chart to see if it is him and it is. Put the work in.

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Received 104 Karmas
Darnel Aug 30, 24 6:15 AM

Excellent thank you

CurryVim Oct 28, 24 5:39 PM

Keep former Runners that are holding near there High's! Sucks being a New bee! So much to learn and remember & make mistakes on before finding a groove.. Thanks Jack Big help, hope to see recent videos on this page?

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