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Jonk87 Jan 14, 17 9:53 PM

@Lizzy8636 hahahaha Trading can be an expensive learning process but i enjoy it more than anything

LizLele Jan 14, 17 10:14 PM

It is VERY fun! Cant wait til we're better at it.

Wallstreet25 Jan 17, 17 11:19 PM

"I literally bought the damn top" hahah be sure to study Arick's videos! When you bought ETRM the RSI was hot and it was very far from EMA and VWAP support which led to the crash!

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Jonk87 Jan 07, 17 4:50 AM

@Peregrine_Trading so if you're not full time you can expect to maybe take twice as long to learn. Nothing wrong with 18 months.

Jonk87 Jan 07, 17 4:51 AM

@MBP I'm the same - 9 months of straight losses but now I see things in a whole different way. It's an awesome feeling.

Jonk87 Jan 07, 17 4:52 AM

@MBP Love ur story. I hope to come green to - may your good run continue.

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YawnAlot Dec 20, 16 11:02 AM

Focus on learning and getting good plays with real money (robinhood is free with no commissions so its good to learn with nd trade small/big) Little by little youll see what works for u, a lil losing streak wont hurt u cuz u know ur never going "all in"

YawnAlot Dec 20, 16 11:06 AM

Btw i got out of LEI for like a lil $50 profit today ha, i was in yesterday at 1.33

pierreramon Dec 20, 16 1:17 PM

Man i hate that PDT rule SUCKS... i went over one time because i didnt know that because I brought shares two time in one day and closed at end of day it was considered two. Luckily, etrade gave me a complimentary disregard and I have made sure i never go over again.

timothysykes Dec 20, 16 1:23 PM

You just need more patience, Rome wasn't built in a day

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Wallstreet25 Dec 06, 16 1:39 AM

bullish as fuck lol. When you trade it wait for the VWAP and EMA to time your entry.

AnonymousMAX Dec 06, 16 1:39 PM

SALT is the ticker. Was definately bearish.

petwyt1218 Dec 06, 16 1:53 PM

How is this bearish? It's making a big move up today

AnonymousMAX Dec 06, 16 6:32 PM

Haha i meant bullish! Sorry. Was a bullish flag. I took profits and rolled into NVCN for much bigger gains. Thanks guys!!

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Wallstreet25 Nov 30, 16 12:45 PM

Hey! I remember when I had no idea about level 2, I wish someone had told me but its quite simple. The biggest advantage of the level two is the left side which is buyers and the right side which is sellers. When you are looking to execute the trade if you see a wall of sellers for instance today I bought $FNMA at 3.79 and it shot up to 4.05 however on the right side the sellers were stacking up at 23k shares, 10K shares, and 50K shares. I sold because typically when that many shares are bein

Wallstreet25 Nov 30, 16 12:45 PM

being sold its hard for the price to push higher

profitsGalore Nov 30, 16 8:38 PM

@Wallstreetfinest Thanks for the encouragement. I have studied level 2 before, but I have barely used it, which means I know NOTHING. I need to know more by trying to use it on a daily basis.

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melirosa Nov 28, 16 2:55 PM

Thank you! About 1/2 way through traderchecklist now. Lots to read and keep track of. Thank you so much!!

Wallstreet25 Nov 28, 16 3:30 PM

Study your butt off!!!! AND DONT BE AFRAID TO LOSE MONEY, its a process. I lost for a long time before it clicked for me.

melirosa Nov 28, 16 3:37 PM

@Wallstreetfinest thank you!! Will do!

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EZTrades Nov 24, 16 12:17 PM

@Wallstreetfinest awesome, I will check it out later today!! Thanks!

EZTrades Nov 24, 16 12:19 PM

@Fruitarian Yes Ive tried paper trading, but like you said it doesnt give me that kick and its not even my money, where if I am trading with my money I am able to spot little details more effectively whereas paper trading I have the chance to be reckless without any consequence. IDK, I am more of the type of guy that likes to get in the action with small positions and learn from mistakes, as you can see I haven't done too much damage yet.

EZTrades Nov 24, 16 12:22 PM

@damnitgoose I am going to stay away from Robinhood, I am more than happy sacrificing $10 to trade and having good execution and up to date info versus no commission but things don't execute correctly or only some. Its like an offbrand cereal, I'd rather pay the extra $2.50 to have that savory taste. Thanks for the recommendation though!

erict Nov 24, 16 7:53 PM

Sometimes bad executions are just bad Wi-Fi. I had that with ESEA I couldn't place the order on time due to connections so got filled high at 3.57, lucky got out even.

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timothysykes Nov 12, 16 7:33 AM

Good work, keep improving and be more choosy with your trades!

Wallstreet25 Nov 12, 16 9:25 AM

quick question! Do you use the EMA or VWAP when timing your entrys and exits. The reason I ask is because you have every bit of knowledge it takes, but your timing your plays wrong. I am not a guru, but if you look at my trades starting at the middle of last month I started winning a lot more because of trading with VWAP and EMA. Along with the teachings of TIm, another student of tims Arick Russell explains it extremely well, once I learned both strategies i started making money!! I like your h

Jonk87 Nov 12, 16 10:14 AM

@Wallstreetfinest haha I appreciate the feedback and the way you put it across! I've actually seen the videos you mentioned and I've considered indicators. I see how they can help entry/exits too.I'll consider this more of the next few weeks.

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Stockaholic215 Nov 12, 16 11:32 AM

@osirustwits i see whatvyou saying, the reason i lost in that trade was probably because i didnt you one of those things you mentioned. Legalization really does not carry any weight, i was basically going off my own speculation but if i would of factual catalyst would of made more sense

msolanoo Nov 12, 16 8:06 PM

@Wallstreetfinest Thanks man,will do

msolanoo Nov 12, 16 8:07 PM

@osirustwits Got it sir...I will reach the sky eventually, and I appreciate your comment

Yultrader Nov 12, 16 10:20 PM

Protect your capital. Manage your risk first before trying to bank. Wish you good success

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