
@RolandWolf what was your very first trade when you started with your $1500 account? I'm in the same boat starting with 2K.

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RolandWolf Dec 24, 17 11:04 AM

I believe NWBO or NAVB. 30% gain or something lol. Followed by a bunch of losses.

Alex4Cash Jan 09, 18 8:26 PM

@RolandWolf Oh man same.. 1k start then a week later im down 55% :/ And i was profitable before

Alex4Cash Jan 09, 18 8:27 PM

Good to know its not just me haha

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aaronmizellam Jun 14, 22 2:25 PM

Don't Chase!! Pay attention to the indicators volume/chart/ price action/level 2 Thanks Roland!

Brandonian Dec 14, 22 7:39 AM

2.60 to 1.60 $1 crack nice big panic for the dip buy. Missed the first dip watching other stocks. Saw it in the 1.90s idea was it breaks the low. Mental idea was the 1.50 area. Indicators for Entry: chart, level 2, volume. Entry 15,000 shares 1.63 avg. After entry it was just being patient, in his head looking at the 2.15 level. 10-15 mins later it got to that level and saw some topping Exit 2.13 avg $7500 gain in just about 10 mins. Cant hold and hope on these.

DDT Sep 18, 5:26 AM

Thanks Roland!

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