Hackboss Jan 02, 18 6:21 PM

you can toggle the pre/post market by clicking the little crosshair icon on the botttom left next to the pin icon. It's slightly above "Basics" on your screenshot. The white prints are for trades that took place between the bid and the ask.

Hackboss Jan 02, 18 7:24 PM

No problem. Enjoy your trading journey!

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TimeFliesBuy Dec 23, 17 6:24 PM

What broker were you not liking the results with? I've had most of them honestly, I liked Etrade for awhile then recently moved to mostly TradeStation, with Etrade and Fidelity on the side.

bullbuster Dec 23, 17 6:29 PM

@TimeSucks I've been paper trading with thinkorswim from ameritrade. I don't know if its ameritrade or if its just the fact that I'm using the paper trading, but my orders never get put through very fast

TimeFliesBuy Dec 23, 17 6:33 PM

I never really liked TOS, I keep trying to like it but nope, even the programming language is too quirky (Thinkscript)

bullbuster Dec 25, 17 8:43 AM

@TimeSucks Yea I've gotten used to it, but the execution is just bad and everything else isn't what I like. It's the only free paper trading I could find, so that's why I use it.

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@MichaelGoode ... just a quick note to say THANK YOU for the teaching on SEC filings! WOW, there's a few things that I would have taken note of reading those things, but I would never have picked up how sneaky some companies are, so I really appreciate that info (and all that just from disc 1). Now, onto disc 2! I hope you have an awesome weekend.

MiladyMystique Dec 10, 17 11:46 PM

Oh, absolutely! The bit about tax paid vs tax accrued was worth the price of the set on its own, really. That would save tons of people a lot of heartache if they knew that bit of info.

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Kody Nov 29, 17 4:16 PM

I did the same thing. Perfect panic to support, watched it bounce. Worst of all there was a pullback back to support and wasn't too fast of a mover 😔

andreffael Nov 30, 17 12:17 AM

@Kody i was also actually expecting that pullback and didnt get in on it :(

andreffael Nov 30, 17 9:57 AM

@SArtAndPlay thats actually a good tip,but i think that the biggest problem is that i put to much pressure to suceed, i dont even care that much about 20/30$ , its a small price to play for an opportunity, i think its the tought of only getting in when its 110% perfect that is holding me back

andreffael Dec 02, 17 1:27 PM

@SArtAndPlay thanks for the advice but i have been in 2 losing trades (one one losing) and one thing i can really trust myself is to cut losses, i can really do it without slacking

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MrMatt88 Nov 26, 17 10:45 AM

@SArtAndPlay thank you

Torkers Nov 26, 17 5:06 PM

Welcome ! In the beginning everything is really overwelming and thats perfectly normal. Over time you will start adapting more and more . Take really small sizes in the beginning to get a "feel" for the market - and soon you will be more and more comfortable. Study study study - Sign up for stocks to trade wich is a real good software. GL

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Palmer Nov 24, 17 1:26 PM

The float is the float is the float...doesn't matter what the price of the stock is. Not sure if there is an actual 'float leve;' low, medium, high, etc. but I see under 15M as a low float...

huperauxano Nov 24, 17 10:44 PM

If you go to finviz website and type in a ticker it pulls up shares outstanding and shares float.

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Fishdogmillionaire Nov 20, 17 3:40 PM

Thanks guys, appreciate the comments, yes, i think it's going to be a case of taking a step back at market open, only focusing on one or two stocks max and following pre laid plans

Torkers Nov 20, 17 4:42 PM

www.alliancetrading.com is also no problem for u to sign up on - pretty happy with them - now that you have done your first trade your getting the feel for it - feel the anticipation and rush - slowly but surely you will be more and more confident and you get safer and safer. This takes time - remember this is a marathon - not a sprint- Keep studying hard and im sure you will nail it eventually - GL on your journey

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