Yesterday a friend of mine told me about Mike Trading Laws. At first I did not believe his words. He also showed me a post from Mike Trading Laws. I was surprised to see this. Here he also gave a link link. This link redirected me to a new page. The legal terms were briefly explained on that page
agree with all 3. Our knowledge, process, execution skills must FIRST reach a level where we deserve to make $ and desired results will follow.
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@mylifestarts just became a fully transparent trader today!
Thanks Jack!
Thanks, great examples!
Thanks Jack, great video lesson. That really helps me picture the framework playing out over a longer timeframe using the 15d15m charts.
Thanks Jack!!! You help tie a lot of things that Tim talks about together.
Congrats and Thanks for sharing
congrats well done
Congrats Man
Amazing!! Thank you for the amazing tips.
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