In my last video lesson HERE, I talked about the importance of waking up early to capitalize in this hot market, in this video I review some of the hot trends that I see happening and YOU MUS LEARN TO RIDE THE HYPE/TREND!
CALLING ALL TRADING CHALLENGE STUDENTS: mandatory participation in today's co-webinar hosed by Jack Kellogg and myself as we'll be reviewing several important topics that will help you maximize this hot market right now so tune in 2:30pm-4pm EST!
Posted Mar 27, 24 8:25 AMbytimothysykes
TimChallenge, TimAlerts, Pennystocking Silver, Millionaire Masters Program, Pattern Pro
I will ride the trend
I will ride the trend!
I will ride the trend.
Thanks Tim, learning everyday.
I will ride the trend. I will ride the Hype and take profits along the way.
Ride the trend!!
Thanks Tim! Completely understand about riding the trend & taking the profits! Need to setup a bigger brokerage account to see significant profits but happy with my small accounts and lessons learned along the way!
I will Ride The Trend
the trend is your friend . thanks for your perspective tim amazing work as usual . :)
I will ride the trend.
I’m loving it riding the hype but never believing it!
Thank you for the lesson Tim. Trade what's HOT. I will ride the trend. Just ride the hype/ trend. I'm lovin it
I WILL ride the trend and the hype! I'm hungry for donuts. Glad your lip is better.
I will ride the hype/trend
I will ride the trend.
I will ride the trend. Thanks Tim!
Trading da trend
I will ride the trend. Thanks Tim.
Thanks Tim.
Watching And Analyzing!
I will ride the Trend!!!
Tim - I will ride the Trend!!!
I will ride the TREND!!
I will ride the Trend!!!
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