Received 1 Karma
billhamlet Aug 11, 21 4:49 PM
Thank you for sharing and being transparent! I’ve done it as well. I said the same thing afterwards. “I had no business in this trade”!
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Received 1 Karma
Received 46 Karmas
Grambo Nov 30, 20 10:15 PM
Well November 2020 has come to an end and I feel like I am making some progression at this point. Focusing on two main set ups recently (panic dip buys and afternoon breakouts on OTC) and I seem to be gaining some ground with my entry. I let my emotions get to me a few times this month that really cost me profitable trading on my good setups. I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't take any options trade and although I didn't keep my promise, I only took one. I lost on it but I will give myse
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