Power Hour Stocks: What Is It and How Do I Take Advantage of It? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z32njo_LiqQ

Not exactly fully transparent. I plan to keep current now, but I have a bunch of stuff from the last six months - not exaxtly on cocktail napkins but woefully incomplete. Last 6 weeks or so I have good data and will load as time permits. Some embarassingly stupid trades in there. I keep trying to avoid them but my "stupid" rears up once in a while and does me in. Glad to hve arrived at a point where I think this is a worthwhile exercise.

This was like the best 5 minute video lesson overview I've seen.


Thank you
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Fantastic post. I've read a lot of takes on investing, work and wealth - this is by far the most concise and insightful representation of how that journey should be experienced.

thanks for the process thoughts this helps a lot

well done, breakouts first green days are my patterns as well. love key support, entries to not get shaken out, taking profits along the way, and psychology of short shellers

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Thanks Tim
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@dt45678 just became a fully transparent trader today!

How to scan for pre-market gainers in Interactive Brokers TWS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srIuwtBzDpw


Why don't traders used web based trading tools?

^ Because the site may go offline

Thanks, Michael
Thank you for the lesson Huddie
Yehhhhhhhhhhh Huddie!
Thanks Huddie The Great Carnac lol
Thanks Huddie.
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