They show up on the scanners as biggest % gainers and stocks trading at new highs. The stocks doing that quite often have a common theme. ie. most are from a sector, like pot stocks or semi conuctors or tech or biotech.

That makes sense. Thanks Bob!

WOW ... I guess today is not a good day. no matches at all ... not only for these stocks ... :|

:) ... WOW again. LXRX met exactly your strategy. I was just not patient enough and had trouble with STT. I always thought most of the moves happen within the first hour of the day. Here it is just in the middle of the day and I am @ work. gotta find a way to be more flexible, not sitting in front of the computer.
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[TimChallenge] $ETRM IN at 3.25 out at 4.25 2000 shares thank you tim $1982.93

[TimAlerts] $ANTH

What does R and S mean on your list?

Resistance, Support, C consolidation, V Volume, C Calalyst, Shrt Short, LNG Long.

Thank you for this!!!
Dee - Generally, no.
@turbobob congrats on the 200k, but what was your edge on LABD? Tim never trades ETFs.
200K... awesome. congratulations and thank you for your transparency..... i'm watching and learning. thanks again!
Thanks Bob!
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