@dru_xl just became a fully transparent trader today!
@dru_xl just became a fully transparent trader today!
[TimChallenge] Shorted $BIOC at 3.14 Covered at 2.85 made $110 after commissions (nod) eh... worth a day trade to me
@markcroock no video seems to be uploaded
[TimChallenge] Thanks!!! I really hope they soar!! I am in $CNAT at 5.85, CANN @ 3 and AMMJ @ 1.10 (whew)
[TimChallenge] You just go ahead and rip $INAP you just go
[TimChallenge] $SSH in @ .75 out at .86 +159 ... was too busy in a stupid trade breaking rules to get in yesterday... but managed to place myfocus on the right play FINALLY made more than commissions(h)
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