@RolandWolf Been hitting studying after watching some of your videos, avg about 6 hrs/day now. Serious question, How do you handle the strain on your eyes? I've tried turning down the brightness but it still feels like everything is too white/bright
@RolandWolf Been hitting studying after watching some of your videos, avg about 6 hrs/day now. Serious question, How do you handle the strain on your eyes? I've tried turning down the brightness but it still feels like everything is too white/bright
@crish111 Stop spamming.
Gooooooooood morning $AVEO squeeeeeeze
Goooooooood morning, Timmay!
Its 3rd green day
Who knows the biotech sector, well, Supertrades?
great notes. This is very helpful and sticking to the gimmie patterns is the key to success. I've found that going long on afternoon short squeezes and afternoon fades (shorting) works best for me. Need to resist fomo lol
Great write-up!
Hey man if you haven't seen SPHS take a look at it, you might like it.
'Part Deux'
$HMNY freefall, now $10s, oh man I know a few dozen students who found shares to short, enjoy the ride down!
$HMNY new day low, congrats to all shorts, this is going to single digits
Cool find.
Thanks for sharing!
Even though it may be a crappy company and great short don't forget to always respect the price action. Who knows this may run even further tomorrow but definitely a great short like you said.
There's no 'it may be' here. Yes, follow Tim's rules or your own for trading entries and exits, and do your own due diligence, that should go without saying... By the way, the Fortune 500 company customers are nevermentioned by name at all.
Ollie get a program called Flux. It changes your screen to orange/sepia at sunset, it's designed to protect your circadian rhtyhms by removing the blue light that's really harsh on your eyes. The transitions are designed to be slow and subtle so you barely notice. But it will help your eyes a lot. justgetflux.com
@RolandWolf are you already prescribed glasses or is this just for blue light?
f.lux sure is extremely helpful in these cases.
@dogson I tried this and results were amazing. thanks for the sugestion!
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