
I Lost my youngest son Gabriel on 8/1/2020 so that's why I have not been doing much of anything. I just posted my trades that I Have done recently and just starting to get back into things and studying. I posted back on Twitter about it.

Lee2Learn Sep 12, 7:20 PM

Gosh Matthew I am so sorry to hear about your loss. Can't begin to imagine how painful that must be. My heart breaks for you.

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PXS Jun 26, 21 2:45 AM

Just finish watching your interview with Tim and Jack. Looked you up and read this wonderful message, thank you again for taking the time and for sharing.

TessaLamping Oct 20, 21 2:12 AM

I truly appreciate you writing this and taking the time to help others. such an incredible post and talking with you really impacted me. I truly appreciate everything and will keep referring to your stuff. Thank you SO much!

TomLow Nov 26, 21 12:32 AM

thank you Dom for sharing

8Munstercheese Jul 31, 22 3:26 PM

This is what I need to read today. Thank you so much. I've been in the trenches since starting this challenge a couple years ago and my profit chart should look more like -40k. I'm doing everything I can to not give up and trade smarter.

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