
Entry comments: I bought this recent runner due to this news they just released https://tinyurl.com/3br9ysm5 talking about a shareholder call they're having next Wednesday, a PERFECT upcoming catalyst for a play that was spiking big earlier this week. I don't think most people see this news, but they likely will see it later today/over the weekend and since this play has come down from the .07s earlier this week all the way down to .03ish, there's much more upside potential, my goal is to sell in the .04s

Exit comments: Absolutely beautiful gap up despite me selling 1/2 my position a little too early Friday just in case...I might be playing it too are here too, but its hit my goals and now its just a potential re-buy into any intraday panics...it's good to sell into strength and buy the dips, congrats to everyone on this one


Newsletters:Weekend Trader

Position Updates

  • Sep 03, 21 1:22 PM: Bought 760000 at 0.0312 - I bought this recent runner due to this news they just released https://tinyurl.com/3br9ysm5 talking about a shareholder call they're having next Wednesday, a PERFECT upcoming catalyst for a play that was spiking big earlier this week. I don't think most people see this news, but they likely will see it later today/over the weekend and since this play has come down from the .07s earlier this week all the way down to .03ish, there's much more upside potential, my goal is to sell in the .04s
  • Sep 03, 21 3:02 PM: Sold 460000 at 0.039 - I took some profits here before the long holiday weekend as this play is already near my initial goal of .04 and I like taking some overnight risk off the table. I'm still holding roughly 1/2 my shares over the weekend as I believe this can get to the .04s later today or next week and to answer people asking me, YES this is my weekend play this week. I'll have a comprehensive video lesson this weekend with more details, but I love this setup and news catalyst coming next Wednesday
  • Sep 07, 21 12:00 AM: Sold 300000 at 0.043 - Absolutely beautiful gap up despite me selling 1/2 my position a little too early Friday just in case...I might be playing it too are here too, but its hit my goals and now its just a potential re-buy into any intraday panics...it's good to sell into strength and buy the dips, congrats to everyone on this one
  • Total Views2,401
  • Position Size760,000
  • Percentage27.56%
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mwg63Sep 03, 21 1:24 PM

Knowledge Account Increased

mwg63Sep 03, 21 1:46 PM

Took a small position. Nervous trader here! New to this .

IncrdibleMrLibSep 03, 21 1:51 PM

Got in around the high 03's. Hoping I wasn't too late.

Marine1963Sep 03, 21 2:24 PM

Is CLNV the weekend trade?

coop13Sep 03, 21 2:37 PM

In with ya Tim. Let's have a good weekend!

trader_45723Sep 03, 21 2:55 PM

Tim is this the actual trade we have to hold it for the weekend until Monday?

BombAssTickSep 03, 21 3:05 PM

Perfect Tim, thanks. Bought my tickets, on the boat ride til Tuesday.

newman90Sep 03, 21 3:16 PM

Long weekend hesitation but small trade in at 0.0375. Nervous but anxious too! Happy Labor Day weekend and thanks Tim!

IncrdibleMrLibSep 03, 21 3:18 PM

same, made a nice little profit. The system seems to work. Hoping test it out for an over the weekend trade.

mwg63Sep 03, 21 3:27 PM

Thank u for ur mentorship.😎

lasereSep 03, 21 3:33 PM

Bought in at .36 and sold at .45 for a solid gain on the day. Thanks Tim look forward to video lesson

brhodieSep 03, 21 3:50 PM

Was not set up to do OTCs when I got this alert. Dang. Just made a deposit at etrade...will be ready next time.

abdrabuSep 03, 21 4:25 PM

I could not find CLNV on Robinhood nor Webull so I missed it!! Which app/website should I use for the weekend trades?

Ocean4meSep 03, 21 4:49 PM

Wow! What a great lesson to see how it's done. Plus, looking forward to see what happens on Tuesday. I was too late this time around. Thanks Tim!!

Tusya1Sep 03, 21 5:55 PM

Thank you for the lesson. I am new and learned how to trade OTC through E-trade app through my cell phone. Unfortunately, only after I missed this trade. I will be ready next time.

NoCommentSep 03, 21 6:49 PM

Also missed out as I wasn’t set up for OTC… like many others, lesson learned, thanks!

trader_77908Sep 03, 21 7:07 PM

Is it still to late to get in on Tuesday morning?

trader_96507Sep 04, 21 9:13 AM

While I missed getting in, a great intro into how your program works. Like your clear, conservative approach.

student_33631Sep 05, 21 4:41 PM

Still understanding the content on the website. Thanks Tim again for offering the service

trader_77908Sep 05, 21 8:51 PM

Is it still to late to get in on Tuesday pre-market?

InfamousSep 05, 21 8:53 PM

Need to move money but managed to grab a small position like 2000 shares in @ .0354 now I need to learn how to post trades on here. I’ve yet to do it but I’m excited to start !

InfamousSep 05, 21 8:55 PM

Do we need to get a subscription to do that ( post trades) someone know ?

InfamousSep 05, 21 8:58 PM

Thank you 🙏🏽

InfamousSep 05, 21 9:01 PM

Great pic to start it off Tim. Thank you so much for this service. Can’t wait for the video lesson ! Saw you live trade the other day that was like goin to Fenway Park to watch the Sox freakin Loved it. I’m learning so much. Saw Kellog also newest utube. That guys a BEAST !! Having so much fun Thank you Thank you 🙏🏽

jaydum88Sep 06, 21 12:19 AM

Got in 12min after the alert at .0394 avg sold at .045 went to high of .047

newman90Sep 07, 21 10:50 AM

Impatient. Risk of losing scared me out at 0.041 for very minimal gain. Of course it went up after I sold.

BruceGSep 07, 21 12:54 PM

Wasn't able to get into svc Friday...but did get piece of the Dip Buy this morning...in @0.0385 out @0.051...looking forward to continued success

student_33631Sep 07, 21 4:05 PM

Great Tim, Just want to from know which broker this CLVN is executed by you. I have just started with Interactive Broker account

Maver1ckSep 07, 21 8:55 PM

Great Trade Tim, thanks!

tupuadSep 08, 21 4:55 PM

Thanks for the analysis.

rdmcleanSep 09, 21 12:11 PM

@coop13 Newbie here. I maybe overlooking this. Where can the pre-trade stop loss and take profit and other entry guidelines for the trades be found?

coop13Sep 09, 21 1:45 PM

@rdmclean at top left column click and scroll down a view trades. Scroll and view Tim's commentary on CLNV

abdrabuSep 11, 21 4:37 PM

How I can link my Robinhood account with profit.ly? and are you guys using a chat room? I can not find it!

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