got in at 3.02. Thanks Tim!
Entry comments: I bought this former multiday-runner on its multi-month breakout but off its highs at 3.14 as they're at an auto show now unveiling this new headlight technology https://tim.ly/2Vzny5K with one of their investors/partners, Gauzy and BMW...here's the PR from 2 days ago https://tim.ly/3jWOINg but Bloomberg & other sites just wrote about this as the auto show goes until the 12th. This new tech could help EV companies like Tesla so anymore press/PRs & this spikes more, goal is to sell in ...
Exit comments: No press release or news articles on their new headlight technology and more importantly, I actually tried adding premarket in the 2.70s before it bounced to 3 and Etrade tells me "opening orders for this security cannot be accepted at this time", I have no idea why, but that'll likely be an issue today as it might choppy again between its recent range $2.70-$3 so no thanks, I'm out and playing it safely, I'll review with a video lesson shortly too.
Date | Price | |
Entry | 9/10/2021 | 2.7611 |
Exit | 9/13/2021 | 2.8884 |
got in at 3.02. Thanks Tim!
I'm in with you Tim
Thanks Tim
I'm in it with you and already up $500.00 Thanks for all you do.
"Goal is to sell in..." Your message got cut off.
In at 3.03
I'm in at 2.99
In your videos, we were promised a lot research on your recommendation and very specific guidance on pricing. All I got was the above (which is only modestly more than a notice of a purchase) as a text and as an email. From the price graph, it is clear this recommendation is a day late. Also, we are NOT buying the rumor. We are buying the news as the tech is being introduced now. How is this what you promised, Tim?
I get it 3.04 thinks
What was the end of you message? Goal is to sell in..... cut off.
In at 3.05, sure wish I knew what the rest of the message said
@HarryHamil the vast majority of these plays will be on Friday, which is NOT a day late, and I'l explain more in a video over the weekend...CLNV was the same and a 60% winner, so have a little more faith
@timothysykes when you look at this chart combined with the news, what is your final goal and how much does the potential overhead resistance from bag holders that bought in early this year affect that?
Hi @timothysykes - I did not get the email nor the text for CLNV last week and also did not get one today.
Thanks Tim! Is this the weekend play?
I just saw the email, so I just got in; I'm late, but the plan is for it to spike over the weekend with more press about the auto show comes out. The end of your message was cut off Tim. Thanks for the notice.
Well, I know I am holding this over the weekend because if I sold my shares today I would violate PTD.
@ABarioni hit up http://timothysykes.com/contact for any tech support
In your videos, we were promised a lot research on your recommendation and very specific guidance on pricing. All I got was the above (which is only modestly more than a notice of a purchase) as a text and as an email. From the price graph, it is clear this recommendation is a day late. Also, we are NOT buying the rumor. We are buying the news as the tech is being introduced now. How is this what you promised, Tim?
I am more than a little disappointed: I copied and pasted Harry Hamil's comment here.
Thank you @timothysykes - I will. ;)
@burnettdj1 when the stock is moving fast and breaking out, I alert my specific commentary and thoughts, more details over the weekend when I have more time...as you saw CLNV was a 60% winner, this is already a decent little winner too, recognize fast-moving stocks and how hard I work even on the weekend
Also, in email with video this morning you said you would share your weekend trader watches/list but when I replied and requested it, I got a response from Christine that there was nothing yet. I am really very very disappointed that this is not at all what I purchased.
I got in at 3.0583. I only got an email and not a text. That's why I'm late. I'll contact customer service to get on the text list so I'm not late again. :)
@timothysykes I'm holding you to your word, but still the whole idea was that we would have time to make an informed decision whether to trade??
@burnettdj1 if you watched my video lesson last night you'd know I didn't even think there would be any play today given the overall market, please study harder and pay attention to the content I put out, it's astounding to me that anyone would be disappointed with a 60% winner and now a 7% winner so far in such a bad overall market
In at 3.09, cheers got up at 0400 for this one lets how this goes, I watched CLNV last Friday as a glitch stopped me from entering.
@burnettdj1 don't trade anything you're not prepared for, the whole point is getting everyone used to this weekend anomaly, sometimes there's more time to prepare and act, these 2 plays have had catalysts midday on a Friday, ZERO time to prepare ahead of time, welcome to the market, it's not an exact since as I always say
@burnettdj1 neither CLNV nor REFR would've been on any watchlist created on Thursday or Friday as both had news events Friday at 1-2pm EST
@burnettdj1 This is exactly what I expected from the advertisement and I feel Blessed to have a teacher like Tim who is at the top of his game and also passionate about helping others. The program just started last week and already we have two very good trades back to back! What else do you need?
I am with @Weetie. I'm also very happy with the challenge and as of now weekend trades
Knowledge Account Increased
Trust the process guys.CLNV ignited the same doubts but was a winner. Trusting this one will be too. Not on blind faith but look at the news, the chart, the last 5 days of the ticker look solid.
Holding this one for Monday. I think it has potential...
I sold my positions as the price dropped, with plans to buy the dip. But this was my last day trade of the week. :(
Maybe I can go to my other broker for a swing trade.
Stopped out...bummer
I took a loss. I got in too late and did not want to watch it go down further. Anyway, cut losses quickly!! Thanks for the information and all experiences are learning experiences.
is tanking - everyone will still hold or put a stop?
In at 2.79 better average. Total 200.
Got back in at 2.74
What's the limit price?
So we need to be careful with these illiquid stocks when Tim decides to sell half and others follow the price will drop easily
guess I misunderstood the text (it was cut off)...got in@2.74 and out @2.80 for small gain, but still a gain...didn't understand it was a "hold" over the weekend
I just want to say that I am learning a lot and I am happy with this program.
Got in at 3.05 then had to run out. Just now noticed the drop. Yikes! I guess I have to watch a little more closer..
Knowledge Account Increased. Took small position.
Tim, this is a Nasdaq stock which trades after hours unlike OTCs. Will it still have the pent up demand at the market open which creates the spike in OTCs?
@Weetie Well, what I do not need, nor did I ask for is any unsolicited opinions; maybe you cannot read - my message was to Tim. And not that its anyone's business, I just joined 2 days ago so not part of last weeks trade.
@timothysykes Unfortunately I've barely managed to survive the past couple of weeks - massive headaches every day, almosst 24/7. Thanks to prescribed Percocet I have been able to sleep, and been asleep by 7pm daily so forgive me - I have not been able to watch any of your videos.
On another note though, I would appreciate you do not project your unpreparedness onto me - it has nothing to do with my study habits.
@burnettdj1… I understand from this follow-up message that you were addressing Tim and not seeking unsolicited advice from others, however, I have to say I like your post… having the courage to call this out, well done. Also disillusioned and e-mailed directly during the week (as I was asked to do), thus far that has also produced disappointing (read: absolutely NO) response to date. Good luck, as it seems that’s what we’re going to relying on here!
That said, I appreciate your situation and the mitigating factors that have left you without enough time to get the promised info prepared and out to us. I am fine with this. However, I would appreciate responses from ONLY you - I am not here to deal with the unsolicited opinions of others. AS my father would say, if you have nothing positive to say - say nothing.
In conclusion, I accept and appreciate your timely explanatory responses to my concerns today, but please know, I joined to learn and hopefully jumpstart my profits some weeks. I did not join, nor do I want to be a part of anything that criticizes /condemns a person for their courage and honestly in speaking out and questioning or calling something as they see it.
About studying; I dedicate as much as 15 hours a day to trading/studying during the week (less on weekends). - there are only so many hours in a day...and I have a happy fulfilling life I enjoy too.
@NoComment Thank you. I have no issue with your comments; "praise in public, criticize in private." Enjoy your weekend!"
When priced dropped on REFR, I averaged down, bought more. By this point I had already done a little dd of my own. I was going in for 1000 but now have 2000 shares.. We'll see how this plays out on Monday morning I guess.
Too much negativity for me. I'd also like to be able to block/hide user on this app. Tim if you don't currently have that option, please get your team on it soon. Thanks!
How did you know it was going to bounce @ 2.68? I was watching level 2, but unsure how to gauge support/resistance from that info?
Waiting for your detail Video on REFT. Thank you.
Correction on Ticker…REFR
REFR is at 2.98 right now. Got in at 3.06 on Friday. Completely unsure what will happen on Monday. Studying and trying to come up with a plan.
@Weetie I suggest if you go about "your business" you will be free of drama.
@timothysykes Hi, just wondering when "over the weekend" we will have this? I am in Onrario which means it's 4:09 pm et - my weekend is almost over.
Tim's commentary and thoughts about REFR; HAS ANYONE RECEIVED THIS? ...."when the stock is moving fast and breaking out, I alert my specific commentary and thoughts, more details over the weekend when I have more time"
@burnettdj1 I have not received that yet. I am hoping to. I am sure it would help.
Knowledge Account Increased
Panic sold at 2.5 and it went back up to 2.7… story of my life.
I went in at 3.06 on Friday. I did not add to my holdings to reduce my average. I did not cut my losses quickly. I am carrying this bag and I am OK with it. I am learning a lot and I am happy to be part of this program.
Bought REFR at 2.8 on Friday then sold it early afternoon today. The price went down so I took a little lose. I lost $8.70.
I know it's not day trading, but I took a look at the chart and previous news. I think it's only a matter of time (months, maybe even a year)before REFR spikes above 5.00. I like the tech. This isn't just a pump and dump penny stock.
Thanks Tim!