After a few slow days, we're seeing more spikers right now so it's good to learn from each of them and why I traded CYBL the way I did. Also, I'll have a trading challenge webinar 9-11am EST tomorrow, see this page for details on my full day webinar on April 14th
Posted Apr 07, 22 8:40 PMbytimothysykes
TimChallenge, TimAlerts, Pennystocking Silver, Millionaire Masters Program, Pattern Pro
13 Lesson Thursday, Basics, Price Action: Morning Spikes, Trading Mistakes
Related Trades
Thanks Tim, appreciate the review. small gains add up
Mahalo for the lesson, Tim! It's a privilege to learn to trade in this current market because you need be studious, protective, and adaptable... all traits I know will serve me well on the journey.
Thanks for your explanations of your trades. Always helps!! I'll be there 4/14
Tim- thank you for leading by example. You are a great teacher. Please rest and recharge! So thankful to have found your teaching, and life work!
Looking forward to that all day training on 4/14! Love the all day webinars!
@Mamoney awwwww thank you, but no time to rest now!
Thanks Tim!
Thx Tim I love it and ready for the all day training
Thanks Tim
looking forward to the AM webinar and the 14th
I will there. 4/14!!!
Thank you for the late night video lesson Tim. All day webby webby Thursday the 14th woohoo
Great insights again. Get some sleep!!!!!!!!
Tim, Thanks for the lesson
Thank you Tim! Can’t wait for the webinar
Nailed $SBFM as well. Late day runners have been nice recently. Wish I could join the all day, but I am on nights offshore. Thanks for the lesson Tim.
@RobertRiggs awesome, congrats, $SBFM is crazyyyyy
Thank you Tim
Thank you Tim!!
Thanks Tim
@26R_COLE my pleasure, love these 4am video lessons, I'm delirious in them LOL
Watching And Analyzing!
Thanks Tim.
I took $SBFM for a dollar a share the other day, could have been more, but got scared, can't complain. Thank Tim
Thanks Tim, will be there on the 14th.
great lessons THX.
Fantastic video recap thanks Tim.
thanks Sykes. looking forward to whats coming up... your the best Mentor a person could have. i can't wait to be able to pay it back to you one day. i am on my way ti a million.. my net worth has increased to now $250k which is crazy to me.. not building my trading account. too
Screenshot heroes :D good video lesson:)
Watched $SBFM all 4/7 but I missed the BO over $9
Thanks Tim
Thank you, Tim.
Thanks Tim.
Thanks for the analysis.
I like it FGD!!!
Thanks Tim. I'll be there on Thursday. Looking forward to a full day of learning with you.
Thanks Tim! Hope I can be there on the 14th, going to try. If not I'll be sure to get other studying in!
Thanks Tim!!
Great video. Why is this chart data different than tradingview? I see SBFM only spiking to the $10 mark
Thanks Tim!
I understand. Thanks Tim.
Thanks Tim.
Thanks Tim - Good lesson for a late day BO.
Thanks Tim!
I understand these lessons thank you Tim
I understand, Thanks Tim.
good lessons as always Tim. Thanks
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