Register HERE for my Friday all day live webinar, be sure to study my 30 day bootcamp ahead of time and watch this video by the Facebook whistleblower and being to appreciate just how much misinformation there is online these days:
Then begin to realize it's even worse with penny stocks as promoters are running around spouting all sorts of BS, learn how to use their BS to spot tops and see the pattern that EVERY pumped up play eventually displays, it's crazy how consistent it is.
Posted Oct 04, 21 1:42 PMbytimothysykes
TimChallenge, TimAlerts, Pennystocking Silver, Millionaire Masters Program, Pattern Pro
Basics, Classic Lessons, Promoters, Supernovas, Trading Mistakes
Thank you Tim!
Thanks Tim!
Thanks Tim
Again, Great information Tim and your education is invaluable. Thanks
@StockDiver glad to help, transparency is the key to everything for successful trading!
Thanks Tim all the information you give us, it is GREAT! Trying to learn everything I can but still so much more. Studying almost everyday and watching the stock market for patterns, I really want this!
Thanks Timothy 😊
Study Study got it
Great info, thanks again.
Thanks Tim
Thanks Tim
Thanks Tim!
Thanks Tim I understand what you are saying which is true
Its all clear and understood, thanks!
@oswald awesome, good to hear!
Thank you for another awesome video lesson Tim. I understand
Thanks, I've been fooled in the past as I learn how to day trade. Not anymore. I'm waiting for confirmation, in and out. I just want to be a green machine.
Thx Tim!
Your videos are amazing and teaching me a lot more than I can find enywhere alse. Thank you so much Tim!
Thanks Tim.
Thanks tim. I guess the promoters need their followers to believe in them to make money off them while selling the illusion of the Tim devil I surely will be looking out for attacks on you to get out of a trade😂😂. Don’t let them get to ya empty cans will always be noisy when kicked down the streets. Thank you for your lessons
Thank you Tim.
Thanks for the great videos, Tim!
Thank you !
thank you Tim
Thanks a lot so useful
@wayneali LOL right? It just astounds me people think I still short when I don't and you can see ALL my trades publicly, it's insaneeeee
Ride the hype just don't believe it
i dont see the link to referenced blog
Its all clear to me Tim, thank you for the video and lessons.
i am SOO HAPPY this FB news is out. Ever since i watched the docu. The Social Network. and being a techy. they knew about this about 5 yrs ago, and still took money. we always pick the money. when will our world learn. there are times to say no to the money .. smh. i hope we learn from this.. but i doubt ppl will care enough.
thanks for the lesson sykes. just signed up for the All-Day Live Trading too.
LOL an insurrection...
Thanks for the lessons Tim
Thanks for the lesson Tim
Thanks Tim,
FYI first video not available in Canada
As always lots of truth here, thanks Tim!!!!
Thanks Tim
Thanks Tim
Thanks Tim
Buy the pumps. Ride the hype and sell into strength. I can’t even get the $CYBL botmoters to show their trade after my small loss. Thanks for the lesson Tim.
Thank you Tim!! YES I Understand!!!
It is sad when uneducated traders believe a promoter on twitter and start tweeting what the promoter is hyping up. Then the promoter's followers attack all tweets that go against the promoted stock. It is so annoying. Thanks Tim and good lesson and 60 minute whistleblower video.
Watching And Analyzing!
Thanks Tim
Thanks! ride the pumps, buy them, dont believe them, they are not what they seem, trade the chart, exit conservatively, dont believe the promoters or any "DD" lol
Thanks Tim.
Very nice video Tim. Thanks so much!
Thanks Tim!
I understand Tim! STUDY!
You cannot cheat your way to success.... Nothing can replace time, effort and experience.
Thanks Tim!
Thank you Tim
It took me ages but now i finally sorted out my work and surrounding and i will study as much as possible.
Thanks Tim.
Ride the hype, never believe it
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